
Michael Hutton

December 2024

Empowering yourself with knowledge about super investment options can lead to much better outcomes.

How to decode your super statement

The way super funds label their investment options can be confusing so be sure to pick the one that best suits your life stage and risk appetite.

November 2024

If a member of a super fund dies, the death benefit payable on their death can be received tax-free by only their dependants.

Why more retirees might dodge the death tax on super

Forcing people with superannuation balances above $3 million to pay more tax will give rise to a range of new strategies.

October 2024

There is good debt, and bad debt.

How to manage good, bad and dreadful debt

Dreadful debt destroys wealth, and credit cards are top of the list.

July 2024

The $1m investment that will give you warm fuzzies and a tax deduction

These funds are the vehicle chosen by many wealthy families – this is how they work.

May 2024

After June 30 unused contribution limits from the 2019 financial year will expire.

How to claim a $157,000 tax deduction while turbocharging super

Anybody who can make extra concessional contributions of this magnitude should seriously consider doing so.

Even badly timed investments can be better than making no investments at all.

How to sleep easy with your investment decisions

If your portfolio is inconsistent with your risk tolerance, you’re more likely to lose sleep and make poor decisions driven by emotions.

March 2024

Companies, superannuation funds, and family discretionary trusts have various pros and cons.

High-income earners turn to investment companies

Superannuation is no longer the “go to” tax-effective investment vehicle.

February 2024

Retiring wealthy? You still need a budget

Drawing up a budget and sticking to it is essential for wealth creation, regardless of income level.

January 2024

This is how your heirs will pay less tax when they inherit your super

Just because there is no inheritance tax doesn’t mean you don’t have to protect your beneficiaries.

November 2023

The Productivity Commission estimates a transfer in Australia of $3.5 trillion in assets by 2050.

The three biggest inheritance hiccups - and how to avoid them

With huge intergenerational wealth transfers coming up, good estate planning will keep the family together and maximise what is passed on.

September 2023

Investors feel negative gearing pain as rate rises bite

Investments or holiday houses bought when rates were low face tough decisions as holding costs may prove too expensive.

July 2023

A diversified portfolio can help negotiate the ups and down of the market.

Tick these two investment boxes for a smoother ride

It’s not just about diversification but stronger longer-term returns.

Children can also take on the role of trusteeship of the parents’ SMSF.

When it’s time to let the kids get involved in your finances

This is how to plan for a little help as you get older without causing a family feud.

June 2023

When investment company is better than a family trust

We set out the key steps in growing family wealth through a company to avoid extra tax once the $3 million super cap kicks in.

May 2023

Knowing logins and passwords also applies to bank accounts and investment portfolios.

This is what all couples should know about their money

If one of you is the main financial “driver”, these seven steps will help you both get up to speed.


April 2023

Family trusts the next step after $3m super crackdown

Where considerable wealth is being invested outside super, entities including trusts or personal investment companies can make sense.

March 2023

caption to come

When it’s time to downsize in retirement

Clinging on to the family home even though your finances are tight? This is what you should consider.

February 2023

Why a family trust could be your best friend in retirement

Looming increases to minimum pension drawdowns present a problem to retirees whose income is more than they actually need.

December 2022

Here’s what to know if you’re struggling to keep up with your mortgage.

Four tips for dealing with higher interest rates

Interest rates have climbed from 0.10 per cent to 2.85 per cent, leaving some borrowers strapped for cash. Here are four things they can do.

November 2022

Worried about volatility? This is what you should be doing

It’s not about being reactive – it’s about having a plan.

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