
Portfolio diversification

This Month

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway famously doesn’t pay dividends. But it owns companies that do.

Dividend investing isn’t dead. These 4 charts and 8 stocks prove it

Dividend yields have plunged, putting a beloved investment strategy in danger. But four charts show that Warren Buffett and the dividend critics may be wrong.


Magellan’s Alan Pullen started covering financials and now runs two portfolios, including a hand in the firm’s flagship $12 billion fund. He’s seen a lot at Magellan, but always kept his belief in owning stocks.

How Magellan plans to make money, without two super-hot stocks

Hamish Douglass is gone – along with plenty of clients – but the global equities team marches on with the same search for quality compounders.

December 2024

Get ahead financially.

Six ways to get ahead financially in 2025

Start with the end in mind by deciding where you want to be financially in a year’s time.

These are the best performing ETFs in 2024

But the market drivers for exchange-traded funds are forecast to be quite different in 2025.

An advantage of shares is that if you want to avoid concentration risk you can buy the whole market.

What’s the best way to invest $200,000 – shares or property?

Both asset types have rewarded investors handsomely, but one strategy will net you $500,000 more – provided you can stomach the risk.

Mercer Wealth Pacific CEO Cathy Hales recommends all their clients to diversify their portfolios in all asset classes.

Better returns and lower volatility drive growth in private markets

Strong performance and an opportunity to align investment with social wellbeing has led to increased popularity of the alternatives market.

November 2024

Crestone CEO Michael Chisholm’s is adding CBA’s final financial advice business, its $5 billion in clients and 40 staff to his firm.

Inside the advice shop putting wealthy Australians into private equity

Australian private equity is only really starting to crack the holy grail – wealthy families. How are they doing it? One name keeps coming up.

October 2024

Big super injected $12.8 billion into Australian shares in the June quarter, a record amount.

Big super is flooding the ASX with a record amount of money

For all the talk about private markets, our super retirement funds still love their bread-and-butter listed shares. But that’s not what is driving valuations.

August 2024

Fund manager Chris Heller toyed with the idea of putting $10 million into an alligator farm.

The hunt for truly diverse investments – from alligators to concrete

With regular asset classes increasingly correlated, wealthy investors are looking to some esoteric choices.

July 2024

How to navigate the greatest risk to your portfolio

If inflation is sticky and volatile, many holdings may be more dangerous than you think. Here’s how to drive around the potholes.

May 2024

Debt recycling is a strategy used by the rich to get richer.

How the rich use this tax strategy to get richer

For many people, debt is a scary word. But debt can help build wealth so long as you’re careful about it.

There are 635,000 rich Australians, representing around 2.5 per cent of the total population.

There are 635,000 rich Australians. Are you one of them?

Once, being a millionaire made you wealthy. But the goal posts have shifted, and a two-storey house with in-ground pool doesn’t really cut it any more.

Anthony Selby says lingering high interest rates mean there’s nothing wrong with bagging a 5 per cent risk-free return in cash savings.

10 investment tips to ride out the ‘new normal’

Given elevated interest rates and inflation are forecast to flow through financial year 2025, investors are eyeing stocks, property and gold to get ahead.

February 2024

The cryptocurrency industry is largely unregulated and accompanied by considerable risks, including high rates of fraud and extreme volatility.

If you can’t resist bitcoin, treat it as a ‘satellite’ investment

Often the hardest part of creating wealth is not figuring out the most exciting investments, it’s about remaining committed to a sound portfolio.

January 2024

When overseas shares can be too much of a good thing

Not all SMSFs should increase exposure to global equities at the expense of the Australian market. Here’s why.


December 2023

Experts say the chief risk to many forecasts is the US election cycle and the efforts the US government might make to stave off recession. Simon Letch

The best five assets to buy in 2024, and three to dump

With inflation remaining high and markets fluctuating wildly, active investors stand to gain the most.

Investors have to approach exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that invest with a theme with eyes wide open.

Ignore global assets at your peril

Over-emphasising Australian assets in a portfolio at the expense of global stocks can mean missing out on fast-growing sectors and heightens risk.

Peter Edwards is the executive chair of the Smorgan Group and Victor Smorgon’s grandson.

What these fundies want to buy in 2024

After the most rapid interest rate hiking cycle in decades, experts agree on one thing: investors need to do their research, more than ever.

November 2023

Three years of negative returns have left investors wondering if the bond balloon has burst.

Want to make more money in bonds? Skip the ‘bargain hunt’

Duration risk, and the volatility it causes, is the trickiest part about investing in bonds, even after they’ve copped a beating.

Five boxes to tick before buying commercial property

Rising cap rates mean investors need to consider whether there is underlying rental growth to support property valuations.

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