Trump’s difference is in the detail second time around
Anthony Albanese was not going there when asked about this. But be assured the pressures Donald Trump is unleashing will make the need to change inevitable.
Is Dutton’s election pitch looking stale?
The Coalition is relying on the disgruntlement of voters with the government over the cost of living, rather than actively producing serious policies to do anything about it.
Albanese’s on a highway to a bread-and-butter election
The prime minister’s announcement about the Bruce Highway wasn’t so much pork barrelling as trying to demonstrate that the government was actually doing things.
December 2024
Labor has left it too late for an early election this time
This year, the polls, the economy and the budget have all got worse for the government, and it has run out of room to go to voters before the end of its term.
It’s all in the timing: Xmas will take focus off nuclear pretty quick
The decision to release the costings on December 13 feels like the Coalition is once again playing voters for mugs.
A lot of politics is driving the debate about antisemitism
It is one thing to take issue with the federal government’s position on a resolution to the UN. It is another to argue it is the cause of rising antisemitic attacks in Australia.
November 2024
Labor can’t legislate its way out of this battle with the RBA
There is growing disagreement over when unemployment is inflationary – and the RBA’s view helps explain why it is still so bearish on rate cuts.
Incumbency weighs on PM as Dutton piles on populist jabs
A government that does not want to upset people is finding itself outgunned by a man with simple and angry messages.
Politicians don’t want migrants but they do need workers
Neither major party has managed immigration well. That has not stopped Peter Dutton from making an election issue out of it.
An era of calm, rational policymaking is fading away
The Trump revolution wants to tear down government that fails to deliver, but resentment is no solution either.
October 2024
How faraway conflicts are turned into divisions at home
Peter Dutton has accused the Albanese government of appeasement on the Middle East. But its positions reflect the same limitations felt in Washington.
September 2024
Senate standoff shows politics and policy are a long way from perfect
The complexity of the housing challenge requires a level of cooperation between governments and politicians that feels a long way from the debate we are having.
It’s deja vu all over again when it comes to aged care and RBA reforms
This week’s agreement on aged care and the failure to agree on the RBA reprises arguments that took place decades ago.
Brawls over RBA and ASIO as election season starts
Three institutions – the central bank, the security service, and the national census – all became political footballs this week.
August 2024
Greens, Coalition set the pace on a hapless government
Anthony Albanese’s Labor has been left as piggy-in-the-middle, trying to catch a ball being thrown by the opposition parties.
It’s time to civilise the inquisition of Senate estimates
Hearings that were meant to drill into policy detail have become a scattergun questioning of officials used to settle scores, or make cheap political points.
PM’s Gaza refugees become Dutton’s Hamas terrorists
The opposition leader would be within his rights to ask for greater screening of refugees from a war zone. But that’s not what he is really saying.
What we don’t know about AUKUS
American government agencies keep revealing information about AUKUS that our own government will not.
Election timing no longer swings on an elusive rate cut
The government is at the mercy of the Reserve Bank. But the central bank is also subject to forces beyond its control.
July 2024
Why powerless workers are now a potent political force
The rise of hillbilly J.D. Vance and an Australian mega-union that is famous for all the wrong reasons have more in common than you might think.