
Jason Falinski

October 2024

Competing election narratives played out in the Queensland election.

What Queensland tells the Liberal Party

If you do not tell your story, then others will fill the vacuum. That is a lesson for political parties and businesses too.

March 2024

Dunkley was a critical test for those in circles who theorise that the Liberal heartland has shifted from affluent communities to working class ones.

Dunkley shows Liberals can win teal seats

Defeat for Liberals in the byelection offers “blue shoots” in seats that turned teal if they focus on the economy.

December 2023

The Prime Minister seemingly wanted a Cabinet government, but a Cabinet still needs to be led. He has never demonstrated an interest in the finer details of policy.

Albanese is running Australia like a low-energy state premier

Labor would be foolish to blame their poll slide solely on interest rates. Their problem is their model of governance belongs in the cheap-money era.

September 2023

Crossbench teals make the discoveries that political newcomers often make.

Why politics is harder than it looks

Well-meaning reformers like the teals want to impose change over the heads of the people who will be affected by it the most.

July 2023

Audit is only one part of the picture: the conflicts also exist where big government, big capital and the big 4 auditors intersect.

Tryst between consultants, super funds and regulators must end

The Senate inquiry is skipping over real conflict of interest – corporatist collusion in dodgy unlisted asset valuations and lax regulatory oversight.

Younger generations are either priced out of housing or saddled with debt.

Productivity is policy for the young

It is younger generations who suffer as complacent Baby Boomers refuse to see the point of growth-driving productivity reforms.

June 2023

AFR Easter Bumper page one. Turnbull and the Senate. March 24, 2016

Australia’s glorious history of policy failure

The Commonwealth was founded through a dodgy deal between colonial politicians, and went downhill from there.

The gold medal goes to Sydney’s Lord Mayor, Clover Moore whose administration of planning laws lifted prices 68 per cent in her Council area alone.

Blame Clover Moore, not negative gearing, for the housing crisis

The Greens are now manipulating American research to argue for rent controls.

May 2023

Chalmers’ plan to corporatise the Australian dream of homeownership

The Coalition wants to democratise housing. Labor wants to concentrate it, with build-to-rent alternatives.

April 2023

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton after the Liberal Party’s loss in the Aston byelection.

Why Aston lances Liberals’ delusions

Liberals are still approaching politics like it is the early 2000s, when voters got their news from nightly TV broadcasts, and demography was their friend with dominant anglo Boomers whose worlds were relatively small.

February 2023

Jim Chalmers wants to shut down early access to super.

Whose super funds are they anyway?

This is a debate about whom super money should empower: Australian savers, or the government’s economic ambitions?

January 2023

Paul Keating and John Howard knew how to make the reform case.

Reform is not just efficient, it’s the moral thing to do

Reform can only be sold to voters as the right and fair thing to do, not because it is coldly cost-effective.

December 2022

The problem with Australia’s energy market is not a gluttony of greed, but a gluttony of stupidity.

The mess we’re making of energy presages a national decline

State ownership and higher taxes would have been rejected a decade ago by anyone with a stake in national prosperity. Now they are back in vogue.

November 2022

History favoured the heretics like Ronald Reagan that concluded you can’t out regulate the problems of regulation and Milton Friedman concluded that “inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon”.

As in the ’70s, inflation dragon can only be slayed on the supply side

Rather than taking on vested interests to advance the public good, Labor is proposing the opposite – starting with attempting to re-rig labour markets.

September 2022

Housing Minister Julie Collins has signalled tax concessions for super funds.

Why Labor’s given up on the Australian dream

Giving tax concessions to super funds that build to rent isn’t about improving affordable housing. It’s about transferring power from the little platoons of families and creating fundie feudalism.


August 2022

The government wants to improve the allocation of capital into social housing by tapping the superannuation sector.

Super wars are all about power – and far from over

The purpose of superannuation should be retirement savings. But in practice it’s about bringing Australians to heel as serfs to industry funds.

September 2021

Australia does not want to talk about housing supply issues.

Is the great Australian housing dream finally dying?

We are in danger of losing a generation of homeowners. The political and economic consequences will be profound.

December 2020

State and local government policies "represent the greatest inter-generational theft in our history."

Australia's housing insanity

As mandatory super contributions have risen, home ownership has fallen. But an affordable Australian dream also requires removing planning and approval restrictions that make our houses among the world's most expensive.

February 2020

Glimpses into a mortgage trader's mind: Deeb Salem claims he has been cheated out of millions of dollars by his employer.

Why not a local bond market to boost our economy?

A new inquiry will look at how tax and corporations laws prevent the rise of a local market for company debt at cost to Australia's economic development.

October 2019

Liberal party icon Sir Robert Menzies in 1965.

Put people power over the bureaucrats

The Liberal Party's core belief is that individuals decide what they want. Others must not be allowed to do it for them.

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