May 2021
- Opinion
- Federal budget
Time to scrap middle-class welfare
Too much budget funding goes to people who are not poor and who do not need government help.
February 2021
- Opinion
- Federal budget
Reforms to start budget repair should begin at homes
The federal government could make houses more affordable and save millions by cutting grants to state governments that price gouge on residential land sales.
September 2020
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
Standing army is crossing line by helping suppress virus dissent
The ADF's proper role is national defence, not assisting the Victorian police crackdown on protests against the lockdown.
August 2020
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
To end lockdowns, link taxpayer funding to the jobless rate
Cutting their budgets in line with rises in unemployment would make the ABC, SBS, and public servants think differently about shutting down the economy to fight COVID-19.
July 2020
- Opinion
- Protests
How militarisation turns police against the public
The principle of policing by consent of the people gets forgotten by modern police forces armed to the teeth with surplus military equipment.
June 2020
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
Medicos' massive lockdown mistake
The lesson of the high cost of the pandemic overreaction is that politicians must be sceptical of the unworldly and economically ignorant advice of public sector doctors.
May 2020
- Opinion
- Mental health
We need to find out why men are not OK
The suicide rate is increasing as more middle-aged men take their lives, but there is little research into the major cause: family breakdown.
April 2020
- Opinion
- Coronavirus pandemic
It's heroic to hope for virus vaccine
The Morrison government has adopted an economy-wrecking de facto elimination strategy that will backfire at the next election if a vaccine does not turn up.
February 2020
- Opinion
- Sugar tax
The sinister side of the woke nanny state
Our self-appointed betters who claim to know what's good for us are now telling us not only how to live but how to think.
January 2020
- Opinion
- Diversity
True diversity must reflect different political views
The ABC and SBS should forget about what people look like. Both really need quotas to represent the diverse thinking of the community.
December 2019
- Opinion
- Ethical investing
Whose ethics make an investment 'ethical'?
Here's an alternative to ESG principles: invest in businesses that offer the best returns, and use the proceeds to help make a difference based on your own values.
November 2019
- Opinion
- Pension
Home truths on pension entitlement
Real estate wealth has made Baby Boomer pensioners into parasites on future generations.
October 2019
- Opinion
- Industrial relations
'Wage theft' is just part of the bill for complex workplace laws
Moral panics about employers exploiting underpaid workers are absurd. The real problem is with Australia's confusing industrial award system.
September 2019
- Opinion
- Freedom of speech
No boss can make you an opinion slave
A contract cannot legally enslave a worker's body. So they should not be allowed to enslave minds either.
August 2019
- Opinion
- Culture wars
Why an insult is not an injury
How we react to the giving of offence is a matter for us, and cannot be prescribed by the law. The price is a chilling of free speech.
July 2019
- Opinion
- Politicians' perks
How much should we pay our pollies?
Most people serving in parliaments earn more than they would get elsewhere. That is a powerful influence on their behaviour.