When 2000 new homes in Adelaide’s south go on sale
Construction plans for up to 2000 new homes in a new suburb in Adelaide’s south has his a major new milestone.
Construction plans for up to 2000 new homes in a new suburb in Adelaide’s south has his a major new milestone.
The already-impressive music line-up for LIV Golf Adelaide has again been boosted with another headline act announced.
A major supermarket has announced it will close down in the western suburbs next month.
The wife of a passionate Golden Grove motorcyclist has shared the pain of losing her ‘darling Kym’ after he was killed in a horror South Rd smash.
A new $70m data centre in Adelaide’s west has opened its doors as AI and cloud computing fuel a surge in new hi-tech storage facilities. See inside.
Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis is warning of electricity load shedding unless mothballed diesel generators are revived.
Amanda Kearvell has spent her life on a weight loss merry-go-round. Here she shares the pressures women face every day – and it starts young.
Police pulled over a cyclist, who was captured riding dangerously in the middle of a busy motorway. Watch the wild footage.
Daniel Scaife’s family leaves District Court after he was jailed for nearly three years after running a red light and crashing into a car.
Police pulled over a cyclist captured riding dangerously in the middle of a busy motorway.
They are the brains behind $100m ideas and the leaders backing critical South Australia projects with their own capital. See the 2024 business power rankings.
The controversial decision will impact some of Australia’s most popular pubs, with some slamming the move as “divisive” and “condescending”. SEE THE LIST
Colin Wagener, South Australia’s oldest World War II vet, won the hearts of the nation last Anzac Day. On Monday, the remarkable man turns 107.
Two boys – aged just 13 and 14 – have been charged after allegedly robbing a Glenelg East service station.
Original URL: https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/news/south-australia/page/189