

Emilou Seaforth

Louise Schwartzkoff

Modern Australian

In some pockets of Sydney, people are delighted to perch on scuffed, second-hand couches as they dine. Exposed brickwork? Yes, please. Worn wooden benches? Absolutely. Spray-painted stencils on walls? Oh baby.

In Seaforth, though, it seems not everyone appreciates the shabby-chic look. ''Does anyone know what is going on at the former Wild Bunch wine bar?'' one local asks on a forum at ''They have blacked out the windows, crossed out their former logos and added their new name and details etc. in spray paint everywhere. Looks a total mess. Nearly as bad as the TAFE opposite!!'' Ouch.

Whether Emmilou Seaforth is a total mess or oozing with ragamuffin charm depends on your perspective. The space looks a bit like it has been decorated by hyperactive 13-year-olds let loose with brushes and spray cans. Some walls are red and others black. Every surface, including the roof, is covered with sprayed slogans and drawings. There are ripped pages from food magazines pasted on the walls. A trail of dripping, red hand prints marches across one window, while another is emblazoned with large painted letters spelling out the word ''naughty''. In Surry Hills, diners would be beating down the door. On a Saturday afternoon in Seaforth, only a few tables are occupied.

The head chef and owner, Chris Cranswick-Smith, knows the restaurant and its setting feel somewhat incongruous. He grew up in Narrabeen but has run the original Emmilou in Surry Hills for five years. The Seaforth venture started life late last year as Wild Bunch but he changed its name and direction when two of his co-directors dropped out.


''It made sense to turn it into Emmilou and bring over a brand that was already solid,'' he says. ''The idea is that we bring that Surry Hills-style product to people in the north and save them the $100 cab fare.''

Only for a few months, though. Emmilou Seaforth is a pop-up venue; open until the lease runs out in late September. It might become more permanent, but only if diners make it worthwhile.

Whatever residents think of the decor, it is hard to argue with the menu. The spread of tapas and bar snacks begs to be shared and enjoyed over long, sangria-fuelled afternoons and evenings. We lean back on a floral couch (second-hand, of course), sip from glasses of ruby-red wine sangria (fruity, but not too sweet) and watch as the cavalcade of dishes arrives.

All of them look sensational, arranged on asymmetric plates and strewn with edible flowers. Zucchini flowers in a light tempura batter crunch then spurt creamy goat's cheese and truffle honey. A line of halved duck eggs, just gooey at the yolks, is topped with a salty, crunchy mix of macadamia and chorizo.

Cranswick-Smith is never afraid to mix unexpected flavours. Stuffed peppers with crab, aioli and sherry sounds like a good idea, but the potato in the stuffing overpowers the delicate shredded crab on top.


Sharing tapas usually encourages conviviality but, on biting into the twice-cooked pork belly, we fall into silent appreciation. The meat is tender, sweet and crowned with a delicate, golden shard of perfect crackling. We use the meat like bread to mop up the accompanying carrot puree and soft chunks of pear.

Pop-up restaurants are curious beasts. Traditionally, it takes time to build a reputation and a clientele. Emmilou Seaforth is an experiment that deserves to succeed.

Menu Cocktails and tapas.
Value OK. Cocktails, $10-$18; tapas, $16-$32.
Recommended dishes Zucchini flowers, goat's cheese, truffle honey; twice-cooked pork belly with carrot, honey and pear.

565 Sydney Road, Seaforth, 9949 1718
Tues, 11am-4pm; Wed-Thurs, 11am-10pm; Fri,11am-11pm; Sat, 8am-11pm; Sun, 9am-3pm.

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