‘At long last’: voluntary assisted dying services to come online
Terminal cancer patient Ceara Rickard thought she’d never live to see the day when voluntary assisted dying became available in Tasmania.
Terminal cancer patient Ceara Rickard thought she’d never live to see the day when voluntary assisted dying became available in Tasmania.
A council candidate has been targeted with racist graffiti telling her to “f.. off where you come from” and calling her horrific racial slurs.
Why a former Hobart doctor who said 9/11 was an inside job designed to trick people into getting the Covid-19 vaccine is under investigation by the Australian medical watchdog.
Work has ground to a halt on the perpetually delayed Bridgewater Bridge project after ancient Aboriginal artefacts were discovered at two sites.
A former Salamanca Market stall worker has been sentenced to 120 hours of community service after bragging about having sex with children on Reddit, despite not having done so.
A Battery Point landlord says he’ll likely be forced to sell his family home after the government hiked his land taxes to a whopping $11,600 a year.
A body found in a vehicle in bushland is expected to be formally identified in the coming days, but police have already notified next of kin. Read the latest in the investigation.
Firefighting tankers have been pulled from service just before Tasmania’s peak bushfire season due to technical flaws which make them prone to rollovers.
A man allegedly entered his sleeping partner’s house, punched her ribs, bashed her with a metal road, pulled her hair, and stabbed her clothes with a knife, a Hobart court has heard.
Tasmania has some of the weakest laws preventing governments from “rorting” taxpayer dollars for political advertising, a Grattan Institute report has found.
Original URL: https://www.themercury.com.au/journalists/kenji-sato