Schools return to normal after lockdown rules decimate staff numbers
A change in advice from the State Government means schools will return to normal programming from Wednesday, after lockdown rules decimated staffing levels at some schools.
Keep up to date with local health news affecting the Toowoomba region and the Darling Downs.
A change in advice from the State Government means schools will return to normal programming from Wednesday, after lockdown rules decimated staffing levels at some schools.
A Toowoomba school has been forced to postpone its school formal this week due to the recent COVID outbreak in Brisbane. Here’s why the school had to make the tough decision.
The reasoning for the Northern Territory’s declaration of Toowoomba as a COVID-19 hotspot has been explained.
Today’s official launch of the Toowoomba Royal Show has been postponed for a week due to new COVID restrictions.
MORE investment in mental health services is required in Toowoomba, a leading mental health advocate says.
INVESTMENT in the aged-care and health sectors going forward will be very important to Toowoomba’s future, Australia’s leading demographer Bernard Salt says.
TOOWOOMBA Regional Council is assessing a development application to build a two-stage day hospital and set of medical suites on Goggs St, Toowoomba City.
THE compassion and understanding of friends and clients has helped Jay Green remember there’s some humanity left in the world.
TOOWOOMBA residents can now have their prescription medication delivered right to their door with an Uber Eats-style app for medicines launched yesterday.
SUDDENLY, James Craig heard sirens and woke in the back of an ambulance near the Toowoomba Hospital.
TIFFANY Thompson was enjoying a leisurely Sunday motorbike ride in a forest near Gatton in March when she and another bike collided head on.
THE new Toowoomba Hospital at the Baillie Henderson campus is set to become the “beating heart of Toowoomba”, Darling Downs Health chair Mike Horan says.
THOUSANDS of residents have been invited to have their say about health and safety in the Toowoomba Region’s largest safety survey.
THE Darling Downs has had the second highest number of whooping cough cases in Queensland so far this year.
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