Forgotten victims of housing crisis
One group of Aussies, largely forgotten in the housing crisis and potentially facing very precarious situations, need to be taken care of before it’s too late.
Smart Savers help keep more money in your pockets. Smart Savers offers tips, hacks, expert advice and online tools to help navigate your way through your finances. From tax, health, lifestyle, food, fuel, finances to property, Smart Savers has you covered.
One group of Aussies, largely forgotten in the housing crisis and potentially facing very precarious situations, need to be taken care of before it’s too late.
A school in Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s electorate is one of 174 in Queensland where students are turning up with stale or no lunches.
This clever tenant has revealed how he slashed his electricity bills by getting his landlord to make a vital concession.
In a challenging market for buyers, knowing the tricks of the trade and how to use them in your favour could be the difference between scoring your dream home, and not.
THE cost of buying a home has risen by six times its price in the past 18 years.
GLADSTONE residents receiving electricity bills from Ergon Energy this week will pay an amount that doesn’t include the carbon tax.
SOME Coast property owners will be in for a nasty shock this week.
SUNSHINE Coast Council half-yearly rates notices will start to arrive in letterboxes and email boxes for 130,000 properties this week.
WARWICK motorists have benefited from the cheapest unleaded petrol prices in Queensland, according to the state’s peak motoring body.
MARIE and Leonard Mahon can still remember the days when there was a corner store in every suburb.
GLADSTONE ratepayers will cop an average 5.87% rates rise in the Gladstone Regional Council’s $273 million budget, announced this morning.
SOCIAL housing tenants earning more than $900 a week but paying just $84 in rent can expect a rent hike.
TOOWOOMBA mum Angela Knee believes cutting a household’s electricity bill can be easy. You’ve just got to be switched on.
Rocky groceries are 7% more expensive than Brisbane but mums say they manage with careful budgeting
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