By the time a NSW mum realised her only child was under the spell of a monster lurking behind a screen in Qld, it was too late. Now, she’s speaking out in the hope other parents don’t live her waking nightmare.
The devious plans behind two people who defrauded friends and family with fake cancer scares, hit men and a swindle scandal to an unsuspecting music star can be revealed. FULL STORY
More details have emerged of an alleged sex predator who is accused of filming his assaults on women exercising and uploading them to an online sex chat.
Police have launched a search for a suspect who fled the scene after a brutal stabbing in Nambour on Saturday night left a 30-year-old man fighting for life.
A shocked family has described the traumatic scenes which unfolded outside their home after a 15-year-old girl tragically died and her mother and sister were hurt in a crash on the Sunshine Coast. *Distressing.