Telco in hot water on GST ahead of sell-off
The competition watchdog was raising issues with Telstra’s planned application of the GST less than a month before the tax was due to start.
The competition watchdog was raising issues with Telstra’s planned application of the GST less than a month before the tax was due to start.
John Howard opposed the closure in February 2000 of the loss-making Employment National because it could be seen as a cut to services in the bush.
The Howard cabinet was divided over whether ministers should join the walk for reconciliation over the Sydney Harbour Bridge in May 2000.
The Howard government’s commitment to an emissions trading scheme facilitated the go-ahead for two major coal-fired projects.
The Howard government agreed to amend the Aged Care Act in August 2000 following reports of elderly residents at a Melbourne nursing home being bathed in kerosene.
In August 2000, as the first anniversary of the Australian troop presence in East Timor loomed, the Howard cabinet needed to come up with an exit strategy.
John Howard’s cabinet agreed to prohibit the exploitation of Don Bradman’s name for commercial gain after the PM was approached by the Don’s family.
John Howard’s cabinet took key decisions to ramp up its pursuit of free-trade agreements in 2000, singling out the US and the ASEAN grouping as key markets.
Internal government polling presented to cabinet in August 2000 revealed overwhelming public support for its plan to extend mutual obligation requirements beyond the young jobless.
In the lead-up to the centenary of Federation on January 1, 2001, the Howard government funded an advertising campaign that embarrassed Australians.
John Howard, John Anderson and Peter Costello urge the Morrison government to aim for future budget surpluses.
Peter Costello believes the Howard Cabinet would not have introduced the GST in its third or fourth terms because it lacked courage for bold reforms.
In the first year of his government in 1990, Queensland’s first Labor premier in more than 30 years made a bold prediction.
A second Sydney airport and a fast train between the NSW capital and Canberra were respectively delayed and scrapped altogether by the Howard cabinet in 2000.
The Howard government was confronted with a growing number of frustrated asylum-seekers in immigration detention in the year 2000.
John Howard’s cabinet agreed at the turn of the millennium to look at ways industry could obtain credits for early greenhouse gas abatement as insurance against a possible ETS.
In 2000, Peter Costello still hoped that John Howard would honour an agreement to step aside from the prime ministership and facilitate a leadership transition.
The Howard government prepared for a terrorist attack on the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.
The release of cabinet papers from the late 1990s offers lessons for today’s policymakers.
There is no mention of Chris Corrigan’s 1998 assault on wharfies in the newly released documents.
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