Royal letters to former G-G go missing – again
In another archival debacle, letters between the Queen and Governor-General Michael Jeffery cannot be found.
In another archival debacle, letters between the Queen and Governor-General Michael Jeffery cannot be found.
Robert De Niro has not hidden his contempt for the 45th and 47th president, who he has called an ‘idiot’, a ‘moron’ and a ‘clown’. He even said he would like to ‘punch him in the face’. His new series was written before the November election, but could not be more timely.
Director Robert Zemeckis opens up about the pivotal moment that made the trilogy – now a musical – possible.
Marty McFly and Doc Brown return for an all new Back to the Future musical in Sydney.
What was this place, occupied by the Incan Empire, from about the early 1400s to the mid-1500s?
Ex-speechwriter James Fallows recalls the 39th US president as a man of principle and a ‘master of detail’.
Treasury warned Howard government ministers not to pursue climate policies that relied heavily on regulations, grants and subsidies rather than the market.
Staying the course in Iraq was seen as showing commitment to the US alliance, with the potential for the country to become a ‘model’ for the region, former defence minister Robert Hill wrote to John Howard.
Politicians’ generous super entitlements became a battleground issue in 2004, as Labor leader Mark Latham revitalised the opposition and rivalled Bob Hawke for popularity in opinion polls.
Peter Costello reveals Treasury opposed the creation of the Future Fund, which is now worth $230bn.
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