

Bill Bryson, author, whose book A Walk in The Woods has been adapted into a film. Photographed at the Langham Hotel during his stay in Sydney. Pic - Britta Campion

Talking the walk

What’s it like to be portrayed in a film by Robert Redford? ‘Very strange,’ according to bestselling writer Bill Bryson.

Scene from the film Two Days, One Night, with Marion Cotillard. Madman Films

Two films, one actress

French actress Marion Cotillard can be seen in two of her lesser known but more interesting films this week.

John Malkovich and Jessica Haines in scene from 2009 film 'Disgrace'.

Malkovich’s disgraceful genius

Race, class, history and sex are all fuel to the fire in an adaptation of JM Coetzee’s Booker Prize-winning novel Disgrace.

Macy rudderless as director

Macy rudderless as director

Actor William H Macy’s first feature handles a campus shooting central to the plot very poorly indeed.

Suspected portrait of 16th Century playwright William Shakespeare, evidently painted during his life, that appears younger and more animated than that created after his death in 1616.

The Bard’s greatest cast

Laurence Olivier and Ian McKellen make the cut but a history of great Shakespearean actors has some weird omissions.

The Times
Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson)..Ph: Jay Maidment..?Marvel 2015

Battle of the sexists

The Fearsome Female is now a dominant cultural force. Great: but why are the men so hapless and despicable?

Evie (Kate Mulvany) in a scene from THE LITTLE DEATH, directed by Josh Lawson.In cinemas September 25, 2014.An Entertainment One Films release.For more information contact

Little Death springs to life

A Spanish version of Josh Lawson’s film, The Little Death, is in production with French and Lithuanian remakes in the works.

CinefestOZ After party Busselton Tom Lawford and Nicole Ma from Winning film Putuparri and the Rainmakers

Fitzroy Crossing doco wins big

The feature-length documentary Putuparri and the Rainmakers upstaged a number of high profile local films to win the $100,000 CinéfestOZ Film Prize

Actor Javier Bardem in scene from film "No Country For Old Men". /Films/Titles/No/Country/For/Old/Men

Worth waiting up for

If you can keep your eyes open (or press the record button) there are some fine cinematic offerings on free to air this week.

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