

Sonya Voumard author picture please

What happened when I — a 58-year-old woman — shaved my head

Men, I perceived early on, don’t like short hair on women. And, since we live and work in an overwhelming patriarchy, to have short hair has been, if often on a subtle level, to defy men. I’ve carried this understanding with me – but decided to let go.

The new Helen Garner bookReview
The Season by Helen Garner

A book like nothing Helen Garner has done before

The Season is about an old woman, Nanna Garner, who is devoted to her youngest grandson, Amby, and his ­devotion to Australian rules football. It’s likely to madden you at first, but bear with it. You’ll end up enchanted.

24/02/2019: Jordan Peterson, Canadian clinical psychologist, in Sydney ahead of his Q&A appearance. .

Why Jordan Peterson’s latest book is unreadable

The conservative polemicist’s new book is a bizarre study of the Bible featuring Jiminy Cricket, Harry Potter and Tinkerbell the porn fairy. Surely even his most devoted fans are struggling to keep up at this point.

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