

This was published 10 months ago

It’s time to let go of the idea a meal has to be perfect

By Evelyn Lewin
This story is part of the November 11 edition of Sunday Life.See all 13 stories.

They say the kitchen is the heart of the home. Yet slaving away at the stove is often the last thing we feel like doing at the end of a long day. Fortunately, award-winning author and food literacy advocate Alice Zaslavsky can help.

In her book, The Joy of Better Cooking, she teaches how to love the process – at least, sometimes. To make cooking more enjoyable, she says it helps to at least partially prep your meals, and she likes to leave “little gifts for future Alice”. While cooking, she may blanch some green beans or cut vegies for roasting for her next meal. “It’s about not seeing cooking in a linear, chronological way.”

Investing in the right kitchen equipment can make cooking easier and more enjoyable.

Investing in the right kitchen equipment can make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Credit: Stocksy

Embracing the adage about many hands making light work can also be a game-changer. Rather than watching your kids “twiddle their thumbs on their devices waiting for dinner”, she suggests you “get them to twiddle their thumbs with you”.

She adds, “That means they’re going to be the ones topping the green beans or picking the herbs.”

Zaslavsky acknowledges that it can initially feel frustrating to welcome little hands into the kitchen. “Because your instinct is to say, ‘Ugh, I can do this so much faster, so much neater.’ ”


But, she adds, having kids help with food preparation is “not about perfection”. Instead, it’s about fostering deep connections with children through shared laughter, chatting and simply being together as you create something delicious. And the sooner kids hone their kitchen skills, the more helpful they’ll be. “It’s about competence. And competence breeds confidence.”

That applies to adults, too. Rather than worrying about being a “bad cook”, remind yourself that each time you make a meal you’re becoming a better cook. “The joy is in the journey of betterment,” says Zaslavsky.

Ready to up your cooking skills? Investing in the right equipment and aligning that with your cooking goals can help. “So, if you’re not a baker, don’t bother going out and buying a fancy stand mixer,” she says.


If everyday cooking is your jam, a food processor can work wonders, especially given that such “big ticket” appliances are discounted regularly.


If you prefer to start smaller, she suggests getting “really good-quality stainless-steel graters and zesters”. And don’t fork out for a fancy knife block. Instead, grab a couple of “el cheapo paring knives”, a serrated knife for carving bread and meat, and a good-quality chef’s knife.

Bring home a salad spinner, too. Zaslavsky says anything green and leafy should have a good soak in iced water before being spun dry. Not only will greens come out fresh and crisp, they’ll absorb dressing better. “From a design perspective, it’s like having a clean wall before you add your paint because otherwise it slips right off.”

Once you’ve armed yourself with the right attitude and equipment, you’re on your way to tapping into the joys of cooking. As someone with a “very busy head”, Zaslavsky finds a “real stillness and peace” in the kitchen. “I’m tapping into the smells and the sounds and the touch; all of my senses are engaged in such a way that I am in my body,” she says. “It’s a meditation for me.”

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