

A dietitian explains why we overeat (and seven easy ways to avoid it this festive season)

Lashings of food and drink may tempt us at this time of year, but it’s important to not overdo it. Here’s how.

Susie Burrell
Susie Burrell

Whether you finish a meal and need to loosen your belt; feel physically sick after eating too much on a regular basis, or go to bed each night feeling heavy and rarely wake up hungry, chances are you are overeating.

Overeating, whether on occasion, or in an insidious way each and every day, ultimately leads to weight gain over time, as the body becomes programmed to eat greater volumes of food.

With the silly season in full swing, and lashings of food and drink every way we turn, if your goal is to avoid the dreadful experience of overeating this festive season, it’s important to understand the reasons why it is so easy to overeat. Here are some easy ways to take control.

Putting your cutlery down in between each mouthful can help reduce calorie intake.
Putting your cutlery down in between each mouthful can help reduce calorie intake.Katrina Meynink

Why do we overeat?

It may come as a surprise to hear that the reason we overeat is not overly complex. Basically, we overeat as it is so easy to do. With seemingly unlimited supplies of food and affordable edible indulgences, combined with a society that encourages eating no matter what time of the day or night, the average person needs to be extremely mindful not to overeat on a daily basis.

The human body also makes it exceptionally easy to overeat. While we may feel physical discomfort after doing it, there are few real barriers to continually eating, hungry or not. This is one of the reasons that larger-framed people are able to eat so much. Basically, they have trained their body over time to tolerate and expect larger volumes of food.

Start with vegetables and salads before moving on to protein and any carbs such as bread, rice or potato.
Start with vegetables and salads before moving on to protein and any carbs such as bread, rice or potato.Katrina Meynink

What does overeating do to the body?

While it may be relatively easy to overeat, and plenty of us do it, the reality is that it is not good for the body to eat large volumes of food in any one sitting with a number of metabolic consequences, even in the short term.

One of the first signs of overeating is feeling short of breath, as an overfilled stomach (remember a stomach is naturally only a little larger than a fist) pushes up into the diaphragm, limiting lung capacity. It is for this reason that sitting down after a big meal is the worst thing you can do to relieve the experience of overeating.

When we overeat, especially more indulgent celebratory foods, the digestive system is exposed to a much greater amount of fat than it is used to, which can trigger sharp abdominal pain and even gallstones. From a hormonal perspective, a large bulk of heavy food in the stomach is likely to send both your glucose and insulin levels through the roof, while fat levels in the blood stream will significantly increase after a single high-fat meal.

Following the initial stages of digestion, an hour or two after eating, you are then likely to be greeted with some abdominal discomfort, gas and bloating as food and waste is shifted through the digestive tract. And, over the next few days, this heaviness will translate onto the scales.


It is not uncommon to gain a kilo or two after a big meal, both due to the bulk of food itself plus the higher intake of salt, which will further act to retain extra fluid, leaving you feeling heavy and uncomfortable. Long term, overeating will ultimately contribute to insidious weight gain, which explains why so many of us find ourselves a kilo or two heavier each year.

Controlled portions will help you avoid overdoing dessert.
Controlled portions will help you avoid overdoing dessert.William Meppem

How to avoid overeating?

While there will always be times that we overindulge a little, in many cases, even at Christmas, it is possible to avoid overdoing things. It simply comes down to being a lot more mindful about what is going on in your body, and how you approach eating.


Wait until you are genuinely hungry to eat

This suggestion may sound simple enough, but chances are you rarely eat because you are truly hungry. Rather, we eat for fear of being hungry because others are eating around us, or because tempting treats are on offer. As we move into serious party season, the simple act of waiting a few hours in between meals, and going easy on the in-between meal snacking, will go a long way in preventing incidental overeating.

Slow down

Individuals who eat a lot also tend to eat quickly, and as it takes some time for the brain to register how much food volume it has had, there is a lot to be said for just slowing down. Taking time to chew your food and putting your knife and fork down in between each mouthful has been shown to reduce overall calorie intake by as much as 10 per cent.

Stop eating before you are full


It is extremely easy to overeat as there is a time delay between your mouthfuls and the body registering when it has had enough. For this reason, putting your fork down before you are stuffed is a key step in preventing overeating.

Start with the vegetables

Simply swapping around the order in which you eat your foods, and starting with the lower calorie vegetable and salad bulk, followed by lean protein and then any carbs such as bread, rice or potato, is not only beneficial for blood glucose regulation but is also an easy way to reduce calorie intake per meal by as much as 10 per cent.

Wait at least two to three hours before eating again

One of the most common habits that drives overeating is the grazing and mindless munching. A handful of chocolate nuts here, some cheese there, a little wine here, and you have consumed more than 300 extra calories. Allowing a complete break from eating of at least two to three hours in between meals is crucial if the goal is to avoid overconsumption.


Be discerning with your food choices this Christmas

When it comes to special occasions and celebrations such as Christmas, no one is expecting you to restrict your eating and not enjoy the foods of the season. But there is a big difference between enjoying a small serve of Christmas pudding and custard, and eating four different desserts as well as all the Christmas chocolate simply because you can. This Christmas, take time to consider the foods that you enjoy most and serve yourself controlled portions. Much of the pleasurable experience associated with foods is experienced in the first mouthful or two, so learning to taste indulgent treats, as opposed to eating them for the sake of it, is a big step towards controlling your calorie intake.

And move, as much as you can

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a few days of higher calorie eating. The issue is when we also use the holidays as an excuse to move very little. Rather, the holidays in Australia should be seen as an opportunity to move more – get the family out for a walk or swim Christmas morning, or for a game of cricket or stroll after lunch. Not only will any ill effects of overeating be negated when you move, but your appetite will be much better regulated as a result.


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