

This was published 3 years ago

Revenge is tweet but we need true bipartisanship on China

Scott Morrison's clumsy response to China's provocative tweet ("Obliging PM took Beijing's bait", December 5-6) underlines how essential it is for cool, diplomatic heads to collectively decide how to respond to Beijing's aggression. The broken relationship between Australia and China needs a reset, but a reset which begins at home, with a bipartisan strategy. It is very disappointing to learn that Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne – a person noted for her competence and diplomacy – has repeatedly refused the offer of her shadow minister, Senator Penny Wong – another person noted for her competence and diplomacy – to devise a more structured bipartisanship on China. Peter Hartcher's comment, that Payne needs to put aside "political vanity and partisan neurosis", think about the country, and work with Wong, sums up the need for national interest to be foremost on Payne's to-do list. - Charlie Dunn, Millthorpe

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Illustration: Michael LeunigCredit:

I am heartened that Hartcher's piece is described as an "opinion". Indeed it is, and like so much of Hartcher's writing it is his and his alone. The Chinese tweet, correctly described "as a piece of juvenile garbage from a lowly spokesman" (he got that bit right) needed to be responded to and not simply as Hartcher seems to imply by rolling over or at worst ignoring. The Chinese deliberately and with malice attempted to wedge the government by trying to drag politics into the Brereton Inquiry and by so doing sought to destroy the integrity of the majority of Australia's service men and women and those that lost their lives in the Afghanistan conflict. Besides, what trap did the Prime Minister fall into? I would be interested in Hartcher's response had the Prime Minister responded by highlighting the plight of the Uighurs; commenting on China's unilateral annexation of the islands in the South China Sea and other related issues including the origins of coronavirus. It seems to me that the majority of Australians are generally in accord with the Prime Minister's response. - John Fuhrman, Kambah (ACT)

"So what was different here?", asks Harriet Veitch, while reflecting on letter writers' "championing of free speech" as a element common to both the Charlie Hebdo cartoon, and the faked Chinese tweet (Postscript, December 5-6). The difference, of course, is that those offended by the cartoon murdered twelve journalists and injured another eleven. Whereas the nation offended by the tweet merely labelled it repugnant and calmly called for an apology. This establishes a highly significant difference, even if not apparent to those whose letters were published last week. Another difference is that Australia's "Je suis Charlie" sentiment was arguably less about defending free speech, and more about our celebrated cultural practice of "taking the piss", thereby identifying solidarity with the slain journalists. - Mitch Geddes, Palm Beach

The question I asked myself after reading Kevin Rudd's expose ("PM's best course with China is to learn to shut up", December 5-6) on Morrison's China blunder was: "isn't our PM mindful, isn't he intelligent?" What about the rest of the Liberal Party? The answer seems to be overwhelmingly 'no'. All the sage advice being offered from the sidelines, including from Rudd and John Hewson, are seemingly water off the proverbial duck's back. Can't we find someone other than John Rambo as our national leader? - Ted Bush, Ermington

Illustration: Michael Golding

Illustration: Michael Golding Credit:

Treatment of Father Dave an abuse of church power

The story of Father Dave Smith ("Church punches below the belt then knocks out fighting priest", December 5) reminds us yet again not to confuse the institutional church with the authentic Church. The institutional church is governed by power and its inevitable abuse. The authentic Church is governed by compassion that reaches out to everyone. The Czech priest Tomas Halik wrote: "The church is a mystery for us: above all we do not know its boundaries, we don't even know where it begins and where it ends, who belongs to it and who doesn't. St Augustine wrote that many who think they are inside are outside, but also vice versa." - Mark Porter, New Lambton

Elizabeth Farrelly's article makes you wonder which millennium the Sydney Diocese is living in. When will the government take away all the perks that organised religion receives and make them pay proper taxes, remove their charity status and make sure they comply with all IR laws? These religious orders are multinational companies worth millions or billions of dollars. Why should they be treated any differently to any other multinational? I hope this article will shame the Anglican Church into reinstating Father Dave. No wonder many people are turning away from religion. - Robert Pallister, Punchbowl

I know Father Dave. Not closely but enough to see a man exemplifying the essence of his faith: care and compassion. Contrast that to the cold bureaucracy of the church hierarchy and it is easy to understand why the flock has been diminishing. The church is losing a man who truly walks the talk. - Diane Davie, Rose Bay


Having often read his insightful and penetrative sermons online, I concluded long ago that though an embarrassment he might be to the deadpan fundamentalist clique who dominate Sydney Anglican Diocese, Father Dave Smith is, in my book, an anomalous but genuine inspiration to modern Christian faith. - John Williams, Balmain

When someone signs on as the leader of a Christian church, they make an oath that their life and teachings will reflect those of Jesus. And one of the most fundamental characteristics of God, repeated over and over in the Bible, is that God is trustworthy – when he makes a vow, he keeps it. That is why the Sydney Anglican Diocese removes the licences of those clergy whose marriages have failed – because they have failed to keep the vows they publicly made at their marriage ceremony. Reverend Dave Smith is hardly the first minister to lose their position because of this rule, nor will he be the last, but these high standards have proved their worth over time. - Roger Gallagher, Merrylands

Climate emergency will not wait

The notion of having to "woo" conservatives to save the planet seems a patently ridiculous one ("Secret to wooing conservatives over to renewables", December 5-6) but Parnell Palme McGuinness glosses over two glaring issues. Firstly, the changing climate will not wait for the conservatives to drag themselves out from their protracted ideological morass. Secondly, the reason this argument persists is solely due to misinformation and lies spread by vested interests who are never held to account. McGuinness builds an argument around the strength of "cultural values" but if these aren't underpinned by integrity and truth, then it's not much of a culture, is it? - Andrew Barrs, Prospect

The Morrison government will have to look to real action to replace the Kyoto carry-over credits ("PM set to abandon carry-over credit plan", December 5). Norway is banning the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles in 2025 but we wouldn't expect a Morrison government to have such ambitious plans. Perhaps they could compromise and just ban the sale of new fossil fuel gardening equipment by 2025? Hopefully there are no vested interests in fossil fuel gardening equipment that they are beholden to. We could at least have a quieter and cleaner suburbia to look forward to. - Dennis O'Hara, Wanniassa (ACT)

Delivery riders tragedy

All deaths at work are tragic. The government touts the benefits and 'flexibility' of the gig economy in which five delivery riders have been killed in just two months ("Appetite to deliver a safe gig economy", December 5-6). This exceeds the number of people who died working on the "pink batts" Home Insulation Program. If a royal commission was warranted in the latter case, can we expect the Prime Minister to show similar concern and call for an investigation into the gig economy, which involves a far greater number of workers? Don't hold your breath. - Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

Stop the rorts

I read with interest that the Home Affairs deputy secretary had told a Senate estimates hearing that nine of the 14 people named during ICAC proceedings were still onshore, having secured residency through Daryl Maguire's "cash for visas" scheme ("Three in MP's cash for visas scheme are now citizens", December 5-6, 2020). Why hasn't Peter Dutton, who believes strongly in stopping illegal immigration, not taken legal action against Maguire and his sleeping partners? Isn't this another form of "people smuggling"? There is surely enough evidence to take legal action against the culprits behind the scheme. - Bala Superamaniam, Queenscliff

Fallout of scourge

Peter FitzSimons ("Fitz Files", December 5-6) challenges Jack de Belin’s barrister to employ a staff member accused of the same crime and suffer the negative impact on his law firm the NRL has allegedly endured. “If they didn’t resign and you didn’t dismiss them, would you still be happy for them to turn up week after week doing business as usual?” FitzSimons taunts. The problem would be that if the barrister dismissed his staffer on suspicion of an unproven crime, one would hope the employee would sue him to within an inch of his wig for unfair dismissal. Like FitzSimons, I too am a republican. But in the republic I’d like to see Australia grow up to, Mr de Belin would be seen as an innocent man until found guilty. - Frank Cassidy, Kambah

I agree with Malcolm Knox’s cry of despair ("Beyond rape trials NRL fails to tackle misogyny", December 5-6) about the continuing culture of misogyny prevailing within the world of rugby league. It’s far too late to address this scourge when boys are becoming men or have presumably become men. The answer begins in childhood, where values are first being formed. - Judy Finch, Cedar Party

Knox brilliantly joins the dots in a heinous culture. - Kerry Stratton, Wombarra

Unis' catch-22

Tension between teaching (learning) and producing research in the university sector is not new. Academics are exhorted to do both and told that both are valued. However, the reality is that an academic will not get promoted unless they meet research benchmarks set by their institutions. These benchmarks have everything to do with university rankings which, perversely, are used by students to select where they will study. All Australian universities play the ranking game due to chronic underfunding. As departing vice-chancellor of Sydney University Dr Michael Spence should know, teaching is not something you do “while ideas mature” ("Spence spells out universities' challenge", December 5-6). Good teaching requires as much intellectual effort as good research. But university management knows that good teaching doesn’t provide the institution with the rankings needed to attract students. A splendid catch-22. - Elfriede Sangkuhl, Summer Hill

Spence says that institutions “produce too much incremental research and must rethink the balance between that work and teaching”. He is certainly in a position to know; his university is rated second last out of 41 Australian universities in student satisfaction (Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching 2019). It is curious that after receiving a $1 million-plus salary and having spent 12 years in his job that he was unable to address this. Spence is quoted as saying “I don’t really do regret”. Based on the university’s low level of student satisfaction, I guess the people with the regrets are his students and academics. - JM Shannahan, Castle Hill

Leadership required

What we want from a political party is strong positive, not negative, leadership, clear policies about whether it’s a party of the future or a party of the past, and unity ("Albanese targets labour hire over job insecurity", December 5-6). To focus on the “traditional voter base” such as miners and factory workers sounds like something out of the 19th century’s Marxist definition of class. This is 2020. It’s more complicated. If any political party is concerned it may lose because of a policy over franking credits means the party may be beyond help. Vision, please. Leadership, please. - Ian Muldoon, Coffs Harbour

Psycho Motel

Richard Glover (“Nothing can match the joy of a motel”, December 5-6), a few years ago I stayed in a circa-1960 “renovator’s delight” Aussie motel. The room was in the style of the Bates Motel. The step-in shower, with its tiling, shower head and curtain, was a dead ringer for the one in Hitchcock’s thriller. The motel’s owners were clearly Psycho fans. - Col Shephard, Yamba

Everyone's a diacritic

My students found my surname easy to pronounce after a quick syllables lesson, Ziv/ko/vic. However, one of my primary school teachers struggled with saying the "Z" as in Dr Zhivago and the "c" as in "ch" for chew, insisting that if I wanted it pronounced that way, the correct spelling of my surname should be "Zivkovich". Eventually, she settled on Zivkovic, verbalised as it looks and we didn't have to mention graphemes or diacritics ever again. - George Zivkovic, Northmead

What comes naturally

No need to crash a wedding or party to get a dance; just have sex (Letters, December 5-6). Every wowser knows that sex leads to dancing, that’s why they deplore it so. - Frank McGrath, Bulli

With the COVID-19 limitations on dance, does that mean Santa will be down one reindeer this year? - Kenneth Graham, Newington

Don is gone

The day I thought would never come: a Trump-free edition of the Herald. (December 5-6) I almost miss him. - Della Strathen, Bowral

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback over the weekend. "Expats torn at Christmas with borders shut",, December 5.

From Ready... Steady ...: ‘‘As an expat who recently had to miss my mother’s funeral due to the travel issues at both ends, it’s a sad experience. But the idea of sitting on a plane for 24 hours and flying to a country where COVID is out of control is just crazy, let alone the nightmare of having to pay through the nose to sit in a hotel for 14 days when we finally get back to Australia. We’re so lucky not to have to worry too much about Covid compared to other countries.’’

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