

This was published 3 years ago

Unis must rethink the balance of teaching and research, says Spence

By Jordan Baker

Departing Sydney University vice-chancellor Michael Spence says institutions are producing too much incremental research, and places such as Sydney must rethink the amount of time academics spend away from teaching.

Dr Spence, who will depart in late December, said an expectation that academics could divide their time equally between teaching and research was expensive, unsustainable and too inflexible to allow staff to focus on their strengths.

"That's the conversation Sydney [University] needs to have about its way forward," he said. But the academics' union would fight any attempt to change its working conditions, saying it is crucial to maintain the link between teaching and research.

Outgoing University of Sydney vice-chancellor Michael Spence with his wife, Jenny, and three of their children.

Outgoing University of Sydney vice-chancellor Michael Spence with his wife, Jenny, and three of their children.Credit: Janie Barrett

Dr Spence has spent 12 years as vice-chancellor of Sydney University, which offers more subjects than most other institutions in the world's top 200. He moves to the smaller UCL (University College London), which is ranked about 11th in the world.

He leaves at the end of a difficult year for the sector, when border closures due to COVID-19 threatened one of its most significant sources of research income, fees from overseas students, and the government made sweeping changes to domestic fees.

Even if international students return, income from their fees is likely to plateau over the next decade. Dr Spence said this meant universities faced some difficult decisions. One was deciding which areas to prioritise, and which to cut.

"If one assumes that revenue and particularly international student revenue is not going to grow forever, institutions are going to have to get much better at deciding what they don't do as much as what they do," he said.

Universities would also struggle to afford the traditional employment model in which academics were allotted two days a week for research, two for teaching and one for administration. At Sydney University, teaching loads were much lower than at overseas institutions, Dr Spence said.

That model – created so students could learn from those at the forefront of research – was "very expensive" and should be more flexible, allowing researchers to focus on quality rather than quantity, play to their strengths, and teach while they developed an idea.


"There is a huge amount of stuff [research] being produced at the moment," Dr Spence said. "A bibliographical search on any given topic produces endless … minor incremental things. I think that is the product of the research industry, and people being required to churn out things.

"We might be all better off if we gave people a bit more space, and in academic life that often means having people spend more time doing teaching while ideas mature and they think about writing something that's really worth writing.

"It's probably more realistic to think about not individuals but about communities of scholars, where some focus on research, some focus on teaching, where the amount of focus ... might vary from person to person."

The Sydney University branch president of the National Tertiary Education Union, Kurt Iveson, said management had long regarded academics' working conditions as an impediment but the union would defend them in next year's round of enterprise bargaining.

"We see 40-40-20 as absolutely crucial in maintaining the link between research and teaching," he said. "While we have no objection in cases where some staff genuinely elect to focus on teaching, we have a strong objection to management dictating this for academics across the board."

Andrew Norton, professor in the practice of higher education at the Australian National University, said the changes to domestic student funding this year, under which the Commonwealth pays only the cost of teaching and leaves nothing for research, was the final blow for the 40-40-20 model.

"The domestic funding model does not support the research-teaching model at all," he said. "It's been sustained principally by the profits of international students. If those profits are going to be lower, that means that staffing model is less viable."

Dr Spence also took a parting shot at the federal government's decision to increase fees for humanities degrees, saying it was a questionable policy. The students most likely to be put off were from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

"It's really odd to provide disincentives for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, who we know are the only people who take any account of price signals, to do the degrees that will make them most employable," he said.

"Humanities students do better in the job market than almost anybody else - because they can write, because they are relatively articulate, because they've got good skills in critical thinking."


While fees for humanities subjects were set to more than double next year, Dr Spence said universities would keep offering them. "Humanities courses are relatively financially attractive for universities already, so there's no systemic reason why humanities won't continue," he said.

After more than a decade leading Sydney, Dr Spence said he had no regrets. "I don't really do regret, it's a kind of useless emotion," he said. "There are so many opportunities in a place like this. Some you've done an okay job of taking advantage of, and others you've missed.

"If you spent your time thinking of the road you didn't take, or the opportunity you missed, it would be almost crippling."

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