

This was published 3 years ago

This is not the way forward

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

How does the Morrison government expect Australia to move forward when it is cutting funds to universities and medical research (‘‘Scientists face job losses as cash crisis hits’’, December 4)? Keith Masnick, Woollahra

Gladys Berejiklian is human, hard-working and exhausted. She has made mistakes, serious mistakes. The Premier retains her job. The federal government is to cut research funding by as much as 90 per cent, no doubt leading to massive job losses among our brilliant, hard-working research scientists. Our research scientists are also human, hard-working and exhausted; and probably depressed. What matters? Who matters? Maralyn Lawson, Greenwich

Every year, hundreds of heads of research departments have to apply for funding to continue their medical research and to employ the thousands of scientists in laboratories around this country. Now it seems that at least 7000 jobs are at risk in a profession where, around the clock, research scientists are working to find solutions to the human body’s health problems and securing treatments. Now, more than ever, we need this research to continue and anyone who has ever received any medical treatment or taken a simple headache pill needs to realise the dedication given by these people in the lab to your health and your future. Is not the work on the COVID-19 vaccine enough evidence? Liesje van der Weyden, Balmain

Gladys Berejiklian implicated in a $5 million-plus grant to a gun club (‘‘Premier’s fund gave $5m to project pitched by Maguire’’, December 4) and scientists doing hugely valuable research getting damn all? I know they are state and federal issues, but even so. Mary Billing, Allambie Heights

Labor needs to shed its ‘Lib-light’ image

The Labor Party is searching for a strategy to win the next federal election (‘‘Labor’s Right plots path back to power’’, December 4). Why not start by recognising and stating a few meaningful basic principles, rather than clever policies, given that Scott Morrison and his gang clearly don’t have any?
In my humble view, as long as Labor remains convinced that Australians support its efforts to become a second right-wing conservative party, it will never be elected. John Richardson, Wallagoot

Have Labor powerbrokers learnt nothing in the past two decades? Everyone can mouth the cliche ‘‘disunity is death’, but too often politicians seem unable to live by it. These ardent watchers of opinion polls need to remember the times Labor has been riding high months before an election and then fallen at the ‘‘only poll that matters’’. Success will only come from effective policy and strategy, not from public displays of discontent and ambition. Bruce Hanna, Engadine

If the ALP’s right faction keeps talking about its party’s left-wing policies, people might start to think the ALP actually has some. Peter Geelan-Small, Glebe

No, the Australian people do not need complex and tendentious policy statements from the ALP. They also don’t need to revisit a ‘‘whatever it takes’’ attitude.
Yes, Labor needs to be sensitive to the dreams and ambitions of ordinary people, but Labor also needs to act on their concerns.
A recent poll shows that 82 per cent of us are worried about bushfires, seen as arising from climate change, and 59 per cent want economic recovery to be led by investment in renewables. Jobs and climate change action go together. It’s time to lead. Tom Mangan, Woy Woy Bay


Of the many changes in our society over the past 40 years, perhaps the most alienating for many in the ‘‘suburbs’’ is the massive rise in insecure employment and the associated decline in affordable housing. Add to that the sale of state monopolies such as electricity and the related rise in prices. I, for one, look forward to Labor focusing on ‘‘the light on the hill’’ once more, but I won’t be holding my breath. Colin Hesse, Marrickville

Labor has little chance of regaining power as long as membership of once-influential unions falls dramatically. The ‘‘average’’ worker has little reason to join unions in recent years as they only squabble among themselves and do more harm than good in promoting the Labor Party. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

We hereby pronounce

Easy (Letters, December 4). The ‘‘j’’ is a ‘‘y’’ and I’m a son of a vitch. No problem for my students: simply ‘‘Mr M’’. George Manojlovic, Mangerton

I see in the Letters that writers with difficult-to-pronounce (and spell) surnames got ‘‘guernseys’’. Perhaps I should have written that my maiden name was Mladenovic. Most Aussies find it difficult to say the Ml together; and the final c, with acute accent, is pronounced ‘‘ch’’. Fortunately, for my high school English students, I was married when I started teaching. Mila Yates, Valentine

Why not override the fonetic fight with a Santa clause? Peter Farmer, Northbridge

Swimming in cash

‘‘A pool with no swimmers gets $1m cash splash’’ (December 4). And I really laughed at the Yes Minister episode about the efficiently administered hospital with no patients. Charles Pope, Morpeth

Who wears the pants?

I have started my fight back against China’s trade sanctions. I bought a pair of shorts not made in China. Graham Russell, Clovelly

Empty dance card

It seems I would need to gate crash a wedding to get a dance these days. This is illogical and unfair. We need to dance; it’s time. Sue Adams, Dulwich Hill

Boycott Christmas ‘stuff’ to give Beijing a wake-up call

Waleed Aly is correct (‘‘China, a profit and loss equation’’, December 4). Relying so much on China is not the way of the future.
Considering the sweat and tears of farmers and winegrowers, to have their produce delayed on wharves and their wine subject to massive duties is a kick in the guts. In my local shopping mall, every item of Christmas decor, from blow-up Santas, plastic trees and nodding elves to every strand of tinsel and spray-on Santa snow comes from China.
Maybe there is too much reliance on this ‘‘stuff’’ we import and maybe a boycott could give China a wake-up call. Greg Vale, Kiama

While I agree that our federal government has been hamfisted and short-sighted in dealing with China, one has to take two factors into account: the short-sightedness of previous governments in letting one country become such a dominant trading partner; and the Chinese government has had the ambition to make China the worldwide economic and military power.
It is simply behaving as European powers did over 300 years. They used their technological and military power to take over territories, grandly calling them empires. Can we expect China to be any different? David Ashton, Katoomba

Waleed Aly asks if there is a lucrative alternative to China as our dominant trading partner. The answer is India. David Rush, Lawson

Why doesn’t the Prime Minister send Tony Abbott to Beijing to shirtfront Xi Jinping?
Rod Tuck, Katoomba

Having a barb each way

Apparently, Andrew Hastie and Scott Morrison are champions of free speech only when they agree with the speech being made (‘‘Report leaks left soldiers open to China barbs: Hastie’’, December 4). In petitioning Twitter to take down the Afghan war crimes post, Morrison is acting like a repressive, authoritarian ruler who will not tolerate criticism (remind you of anybody?).
Twitter is criticised for not taking down the war crimes post while the Chinese company WeChat is criticised for removing Morrison’s response to the Chinese government. The PM and Hastie can’t have it both ways. China is not the only hypocrite. Peter Martina, Warrnambool (Vic)

Ingestion suggestion

I’m not sure you can ignore the criminality of holding an illegal substance (‘‘A hopeful step – out of court – on drug reform’’, December 4). Much like carrying a blunt instrument or other weapon, their use, even without intent, will more than likely harm others who get in the way.
Because there are no guarantees that all the harm remains personal, rather than decriminalise, let’s fund an ‘‘Ingestion’’ room, like the injecting rooms, that controls and monitors the drugs and usage, with a sideline of rehabilitation. Helen Lewin, Tumbi Umbi

To limit young offenders to a ‘‘three strike policy’’ for drug possession is not only discriminatory, but it also defies sense. Such discrimination could move into the widespread use of unjust harsher penalties based on the fact the offender is young. Christine Perrott, Armidale

Can the Premier tell me why it’s a crime for a person to inhale, ingest or inject a substance into their body? Simple question, really. Patrick McMahon, Paddington

Labor did not back down

I respect Anne-Marie Brady’s work as a fearless professional Sinologist, but I part company on her assertion that my government ‘‘backed down’’ from direct, frank exchange with China about Australia’s fundamental interests (‘‘China’s war of words won’t last’’, December 2).
We defended our liberal democracy, our US alliance and our commitment to universal human rights while maintaining fully functional relationships with Beijing – doubling two-way trade over six years.
We did this despite the Liberal Party’s efforts to undermine our efforts by attacking me for being too tough on China. Banning Huawei from the NBN was ‘‘offensive and unprofessional’’; our Defence white paper, which commenced the biggest naval expansion since 1945, was ‘‘absurd’’; it accused us of having ‘‘failed to work constructively with China’’ when granting visas to Uighur citizens; and it demanded we ‘‘reset the rules’’ to favour investment by the Chinese party-state after we moved to protect Rio Tinto.
Even my colourful off-the-record remarks about China’s negotiating tactics at Copenhagen were attacked as ‘‘defaming’’ Beijing.
We also refused to ratify John Howard’s extradition treaty with China and Labor has maintained that position despite Liberal pressure to rubber stamp it. I fail to see how this record reflects any kind of backdown. Kevin Rudd, Brisbane (Qld)

Scuttle away, minister

To take our double-ended Manly ferries out of service is one thing (Letters, December 4). But to take three of the four out to sea and to scuttle them is nothing short of vandalism. What on earth gives one two-bob politician who, in the overall scheme of things, is here for a relatively short time anyway, the right to destroy a part of our heritage, against what is most definitely public opinion?
Transport Minister Andrew Constance doesn’t have the right to have an antipathy towards Sydney’s history and its heritage. But if that is the prevailing view of the government as a whole, let it try to flog off Government House and move it out to, say, Penrith and let’s see what Governor Margaret Beazley has to say about that. Brian Pymont, Frenchs Forest

No time to be careless

Why are all staff working at quarantine facilities not routinely tested (‘‘Hotel quarantine in spotlight again’’, December 4)? Surely this is an obvious mitigation against the risk of yet another outbreak from our quarantine facilities. We are just starting to relax and open up, so this is not the time to ignore this risk. The social and economic consequences of more outbreaks are obvious. Rob Livingstone, Gladesville

The hotel worker who caught COVID-19 deserves our thanks for doing the right thing and wearing a mask on public transport. Her decision possibly saved lives and prevented another lockdown. Will the NSW government now do the right thing and mandate masks on public transport? Ben Aveling, Alexandria

Why are many staff on public transport not wearing masks, despite the signs recommending their use? Peter Wotton, Pyrmont

Why aren’t we using the empty detention centre on Christmas Island to house returning overseas Australians (Letters, December 4)? Oh, that’s right. It’s probably because our government doesn’t want to infect the family of four who have been held there for so many months. How compassionate is that? Ann Eskens, Crows Nest


There was a lot of hard work in the letters inbox this week, thank you all. The main topic was after the Prime Minister had appeared in front of his protective wall of flags giving the Chinese a very stern talking to indeed about ‘‘that’’ tweet.
The letter writers drew collective breath and let Mr Morrison have their response – and almost no one agreed with him. Over the week the disagreements were in two camps, although both made free use of the word ‘‘hypocrisy’’. Camp one was in rough agreement that the Chinese shouldn’t have done it, but at least Australia admits its war acts and just look at China’s human rights record. Camp two pointed out that Australia had loudly championed ‘‘free speech’’ with cartoons about Islam, so what was different here?
The subject had a sidebar of writers eager to help with the goods that China rejects by its embargoes. Our patriotic duty is not to bait China but to eat the lobsters, drink the wine and barbecue the steaks over the coal.
Another subject was reading – letter writers are, generally, in favour of it, but either strongly for or against phonics, although many teachers reminded us that not every method suits every child.
The letter writers then leapt to the defence of the ABC regarding its recent story about behind-the-scenes shenanigans in Canberra. This was back because the federal Communications Minister had asked the broadcaster to explain why this story was in the public interest, and the letter writers were delighted to communicate this relevance back to the minister, chapter and verse, at length. Are there any other questions you’d like help with, Minister?
Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor

  • To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.

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