

This was published 3 years ago


The PM ignored one of the enduring truths in politics in his over-the-top response to China

Three decades ago, my then-boss Queensland premier Wayne Goss, shared with me one of the enduring truths of national (and international) politics: never punch below your weight.

Yet that's precisely what Scott Morrison did by responding personally, as Prime Minister of Australia, to an offensive tweet by some junior jerk in the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Morrison's over-the-top response to the ministry's deputy spokesman, Zhao Lijian, would have resulted in high-fives all around Beijing. Morrison was suckered into lowering himself to respond to one of China's self- proclaimed, but also internally despised, wolf-warriors.

Morrison could have had Frances Adamson, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, land one on Comrade Zhao's nose, then haul in the Chinese ambassador for a dressing down, thereby allowing the Prime Minister to take the high ground in Parliament by calling for calmer and cooler heads in Beijing to prevail. Instead, Morrison lost it.

The Prime Minister did not need to lower himself to respond to a mid-career Chinese wolf-warrior.

The Prime Minister did not need to lower himself to respond to a mid-career Chinese wolf-warrior.Credit: AP, Twitter, Alex Ellinghausen

If Morrison's objective was to exercise political leadership in a relationship that's been spinning out of control since 2017, then Beijing would have seen his performance as diplomatic panic rather than considered strategy. Morrison will say we had to defend the honour of our nation and its military – and I agree – but he could have pointed to Adamson's rebuke rather than lowering himself to the level of a mid-career wolf-warrior seeking to boost his profile at the PM's expense.

This incident, however, points to a much bigger problem in the Australia-China relationship, including the absence of any effective Australian strategy for it. As I've said before, any Australian prime minister would find it difficult to manage this rising authoritarian Leninist superpower. But as we chart a way forward, we need a crystal-clear analysis of how our bilateral relationship has become such a mess in the first place. In fairness to Morrison, many of these factors are outside Australia's control, though not all of them.

First, China's behaviour is changing as the balance of economic and military power against the United States improves in Beijing's favour. The Trump Administration's idiocy accelerated this trend. In Beijing's deeply realist view of international relations, power is central to exercising leverage; China is now flexing its muscles with US allies worldwide, including Australia.

Second, this flexing has increased under Xi Jinping since 2013. In December that year, at the party's central work conference on foreign affairs, Xi formally abandoned Deng Xiaoping's 30-year doctrine of "hide your strength, bide you time, never take the lead". The entire world, not just Australia, has been dealing with Xi's more assertive foreign policy across the board.

But a third factor driving the dynamics of the Australia-China relationship is largely within Morrison's control. It is the extent to which his government seeks domestic political advantage by engaging in a rolling diatribe against Beijing, week in, week out, on one issue after another. The bottom line is: mouthing off about China for domestic political effect is not the same as prosecuting an operational strategy for dealing with the substance of the China challenge.


This is where Morrison diverges from most other US allies who do more to advance their core national interests in relation to China, but talk less about it in their public proclamations. That's not appeasement. It's just mature, intelligent strategy.

A case study in recent weeks was Morrison's decision to fly to Tokyo to meet Japanese Prime Minister Suga. Nothing wrong with that. But Morrison then deliberately souped-up an eminently sensible "reciprocal access agreement" to facilitate joint training exercises between our two militaries into a "landmark defence treaty" between Canberra and Tokyo.

Not only was this factually inaccurate, it was deliberately designed to be inflammatory. This so-called "pact" has absolutely zero mutual defence obligation. It was a dumb PR stunt to make Morrison look hairy chested back home. This is just one example of the government bringing out the domestic political egg-beater on actions concerning China, which could have been executed internally with minimal fanfare.

It does not have to be this way. Look at Japan. Like Australia, Japan is a close ally of the United States; like Australia, its principal economic partner is China; like Australia, it is a member of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad. Unlike Australia, Japan also hosts large-scale American bases on its soil and has a rolling territorial dispute with China over islands in the East China Sea where the two countries' militaries face off every day of the week. Yet despite all of this, and despite the appalling history between Japan and China, both Shinzo Abe and Yoshihide Suga have managed over the last several years to prosecute a bilateral relationship that minimises political invective, maximises economic opportunity and with trade largely unaffected.

What can Australia do? Morrison will need to work overtime with Washington to ensure that any stabilisation of the US-China relationship will apply to America's allies as well. China understands power. But so does the US. Despite the Morrison government putting all its diplomatic eggs in the Trump basket, the deep institutional view in Biden's Washington will be to prevent any American ally being picked off by Beijing. Thursday's statement by the incoming National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on this score is very encouraging.


Morrison will also have to work overtime with other US allies (including the Europeans) to lend
support to Australia beyond simple declarations of solidarity. Despite Morrison routinely shunning
Europe in areas of central concern to them, such as climate change, Australia now needs France,
Germany, Britain, Brussels and others to ensure that any World Trade Organisation action against
China's politically driven tariffs receives maximum multilateral support.

And finally, Morrison will also need to take a leaf out of Japan's recent playbook on dealing with
China. He'll need to grow up and, importantly, learn to shut up – other than when it's essential for
our core values and interests and, where possible, articulated in unison with our friends and allies.
The irony is that Morrison's current course is making Australia less secure, not more secure, despite his government seeking to wrap itself in the rhetorical mantle of "national security".

Managing China's rise, and its interplay with American and allied military and economic power, is not a juvenile game for domestic political advantage. The national interests at stake are too high for that.

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