

This was published 4 years ago

It's time to consider who pays the firies' bills

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Lexi Landsman pays tribute to firefighters in her insightful opinion piece (“A salute to heroic firefighters as our beloved country burns”, December 23). However, not one word is written about financial compensation for those volunteers who are self-employed or for those employers who release their workers on full pay. When called for jury duty, citizens are compensated financially. If army reservists were to be called up in the event of a national crisis, I presume they would also be paid - and that’s how it should be. What about our volunteer firefighters?

When fighting fires week after week, are they to forego financial compensation? How will they pay mortgages and bills? How are they expected to feed their families? Instead of gadding off on luxurious summer vacations, our politicians need to come up with a scheme that allows these brave and unselfish men and women to continue to protect our communities without going broke. - Tony Cronin, Port Macquarie

Is it not high time that government paid volunteer firefighters? Two have been killed, others have lost their own homes to the flames and many are likely to emerge with emotional scars. They are exhausted but accept their commanders' calls to keep going. For how long can government leaders be satisfied with just saying "thanks" and rolling out the bravery cliches?

If we had true leaders, there would be payments to every voluntary firefighter based on hours on duty, plus other payment amounts to volunteers who had lost their homes while protecting the community. Anything short of significant (as distinct from token) payments to each volunteer will show that government in Australia today is not only self-absorbed and out of touch, but heartless as well. - Kevin Meagher, Dulwich Hill

I’m at a loss why a specialised unit from our army couldn’t be trained to fight bushfires. I thought the army was here to defend us. At the moment, we are under attack from the fires. - Michael Fischer, Coogee

It is really unreasonable to expect volunteer firefighters, many of whom are self-employed on the land or in trades, to continue to fight fires month after month without financial compensation? One solution that may be fairly easy to implement is to adopt the conditions of that other fighting force: the defence reserve. Legislation, pay rates and conditions are already defined. People get paid for the days they work and for attending training courses. Uniforms and equipment are provided as required. Australia is facing an ongoing "clear and present danger". It needs an “army” of civilian firefighters to face this threat. They deserve not to be bankrupted by their heroic service. - Tony Shaw, Mudgee

With tragic loss of life, devastating loss of homes and other structures and a lack of clean air, it would be inappropriate for our government to talk of having created a surplus. With a lack of policy and responsible governance that addresses our on-ground reality, under-resourcing of our firefighting services and dependence on so many unpaid volunteers, this is an actual deficit. This is the summer we’ll all remember. - Kath Luchetti, Kandos

Children understand uncomfortable truths

The Prime Minister found it too difficult to explain to his children that this was not the right time to take a family holiday. The heavy toll of the bushfires means many parents have to tell their children they have no home and Christmas is bleak. Tragically, two mothers have to talk about the death of fathers and a life without them. Firefighters from Canada and the US have explained to their children why they will not be home for Christmas as they are helping Australians fight these horrendous fires. Children around the world are worried about climate change and keep asking for action from our leaders. Now is the time to listen to the children. - Bea Hodgson, Gerringong


I think that Sean Kelly’s article betrays his own brand of climate scepticism ("Clocks are always politicking", December 23). The public will not move on from environmental concerns as they did in 2007 because the science tells us environmental disasters are becoming the new normal. What we are experiencing now is what we will need to get used to. And I doubt we’ll be letting Scott Morrison’s government off the hook any time soon. - Nick Parsons, Lithgow

Mr Kelly is a bit too kind. The truth is that the PM is just not up to the job; he has a closed mind, doesn’t listen to expert advice, surrounds himself with obsequious toadies and pulls a veil of secrecy over the whole lot. Not the man for the times. - Sonia Lee, Dudley

Climate change already hurting economy

The PM is facing a dilemma. He must stay the course of climate change inaction to retain his ‘quiet’ voters, but this can only be justified by denying or downplaying the science. This was easier when predictions resided in computer models but trying to talk away the heatwaves, bushfires, smoke and drought has become decidedly more complicated. His position is not helped when he says we are achieving our desired emissions outcomes while at the same time Australia is criticised for being a “regressive force” internationally. He is increasingly looking like the emperor with no clothes. - John Vigours, Neutral Bay

In the Shoalhaven and the Eurobodalla areas, hundreds of people in the tourism and hospitality industries are out of work because visitors are staying away in droves. You can't blame them. The beaches are covered in ash and smoke and the surrounding bushland is a charred mess. What makes the jobs of our people less important than those employed by the fossil fuel industry, Mr Morrison? - Mike Reddy, Vincentia

In famously saying “the lady’s not for turning”, Margaret Thatcher punned on the play title The Lady’s Not For Burning. However, it seems that Mr Morrison will burn for us, but never, ever turn. - John Christie, Oatley

At least Nero stuck around to watch. - Mark O'Brien, Bobin

Scotty from Marketing jetted in waving his vision for the future, reduced to a four-word slogan: “We’ll react, if asked.” The Madrid Spoiler also resurfaced and if grass fires break out on any of his or related entity properties, he’ll handle them himself. Meanwhile, Premier Gladys is attending to backburning public money on a new stadium and museum. - Howard Charles, Glebe

Let's spell it out for the Prime Minister and his government in words they understand: the climate crisis and resultant bushfires are having a negative effect on the economy ("Shoppers hit brakes on festive spending", December 23). While there's an upside for our community in the support shown for firefighters and those who've lost homes, the long-term costs will damage our economy. Whether it is the loss of life or injury, the destruction of economic infrastructure, the impact on insurance costs, the loss of tourism across the state, or shoppers simply concerned for their health if they venture out in the smoky air, the cost of inaction on climate change is deep and getting worse. If Scott Morrison were only focused on economic issues, then his government has failed already. - Colin Hesse, Marrickville

Morrison and his deputy, Michael McCormack, both need to learn, when talking about the current bushfires, to distinguish between underlying and immediate causes. Arson, strong winds, the drought and extremely hot weather were all, no doubt, immediate causes for the fires, just as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand was one of the immediate causes of the First World War. But just as the underlying causes of the First World War developed over many years and in several countries, so too the underlying cause of the present bushfires is a gradual change in the global climate which urgently requires to be addressed. - Rob Jackson, Cheltenham

Gladys, David, Scott and Angus. One looking over her shoulder, one scratching his head, one keeping his mouth covered and one just looking on. Grim? You bet’cha. Fires destroying lives, livestock and properties, untold grief, loss, sorrow. The four Liberal amigos arrive en masse at RFS HQ, offering support but doing nothing to advance the cause of creating a climate change policy ("Rependant PM returns to flames", December 23). - Peter Skrzynecki, Eastwood

ScoMo says he isn't going to change his climate policy. I didn't know he even had one. - William Bielefeldt, Kembla Grange

As one of Morrison’s quiet Australians, I am proud to know that our government will not allow itself to be panicked by knee-jerk reactions to ephemera like a national disaster emergency into taking its focus off the essentials like the desperately-needed religious discrimination bill to keep gays out of the churches. When the smoke eventually clears it is comforting to know that although we may have lost buildings and infrastructure, the pillars of society will still be standing. - Richard Drake, Roseville

On the issue of climate, Australia is fast becoming a pariah on the world stage. - Michael Healy, East Maitland

The Coalition’s climate plan is about as likely to be effective against climate change as buying lottery tickets is likely to be an effective way of securing a retirement income. - Mark Curran, Earlwood

Gordon Tindall (Letters, December 23) complains about rising insurance costs due to the current bushfires. Gordon, just think of it as a carbon tax, one of many we shall all be paying well into the future. - Neil Ormerod, Kingsgrove

Religious hypocrisy

I hesitate to single out any one religion, because they’re all alike, but the headline ("Jewish body wants religious hospitals to 'choose' patients", December 22) proves that religious hypocrisy is alive and well. It’s time we got back to basics. God is love, right? And Christmas is a time for love. Does God discriminate? Does God segregate? Is love wanting more for yourself than for others? No, no and no. If the health and education systems we have developed require any kind of discrimination or segregation, it’s time we got rid of them. - Tom Orren, Wamberal Heights

Ours is supposed to be a secular country where tolerance and inclusiveness of all religions is accepted and honoured. The federal government’s new religious discrimination bill would very likely result in an unpleasant backlash if the wishes of the head of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Peter Wertheim, are to be taken seriously. If, as he suggests, hospitals should have the opportunity to discriminate for the benefit of their own faith, then he is surely sowing the seeds of intolerance and bigotry. - Bruce Spence, Balmain

So many of Australia’s nursing homes and private hospitals are run by faith-based organisations. The ability to preference patients who share that faith will inevitably leave vulnerable people in the lurch. If they want this right to discriminate, they must also forgo the right to receive public funding. - Penny Hackett, Willoughby

Unhappy holidays for aged

The shortages of staff in nursing homes over Christmas is both heart-breaking and alarming ("Fewer staff over break brings aged care misery", December 22). One registered nurse for 80 patients at night is the norm and is disgraceful. It is the ultimate betrayal of our aged community. Unless we lead the way as parents in the care of our elderly, we are destined to receive the same fate at the hands of our children: voiceless, helpless and invisible. - Elizabeth Maher, Bangor

Building on bones of past

No building of excellence sits well on the bones of cultural heritage, Chris Johnson (Letters, December 23). Erase what is good from the past and the future is all that more uncertain. Parramatta has a range of alternative sites more than capable of seeing either a new innovative building that one day too will be considered heritage, or sympathetically refurbished buildings such as the Female Factory that see the past blended with future aspirations. - Steve Dillon, Thirroul

I noticed the only letter praising the design of the the proposed Powerhouse Museum at Parramatta is by a Chris Johnson of Millers Point. Would that be the same Chris Johnson, CEO of Urban Taskforce, whose activities include “advocacy on behalf of property developers”? - Sandra McMullan, Five Dock

Make the miners pay

The pit voids in the Western Hunter are an eyesore and an ecological disaster. A typical abandoned mine site is high in poisonous chemicals and has hopelessly disrupted drainage ("Plan to fill open-cut pits could be a drought buster", December 23). Flooding the sites to reduce the effects of droughts is superficially attractive. If the Germans can flood pit voids to create a recreational area, then why can’t we flood pit voids to reduce the effects of drought? The concept is certainly worthy of a feasibility study. But why should the taxpayer foot the bill for any of this scheme? The wealthy mining companies should pay. If our governments had forced mining companies to properly rehabilitate abandoned sites in the first place, then this proposed scheme would not be necessary. - Geoff Black, Caves Beach

The concept of filling old open cut mines with water, assuming it is viable, is brilliant. This needs evaluating with a positive attitude, and should not be allowed to repeat history by doing something when the crisis is upon us. - D'arcy Hardy, North Turramurra

Dodge nuclear heat

Mark Ho's article ("We need to put nuclear power on the agenda", December 23) ignores one fact. Even though nuclear energy does not produce carbon dioxide, it does release enormous amounts of heat from its nuclear reaction, accelerating the chain events (pardon the pun) of global warming. Let's concentrate on the other renewable energies which are much safer, or reassess our society's insatiable appetite for consumption. - Paul Lau, Blakehurst

Fire we can do without

If we're serious about curbing public extravagance during this time of drought and bushfires ("Scrap Powerhouse move, use money for fires: NSW Labor", December 23), surely the most appropriate target of the fiscal knife would be the the New Year's Eve fireworks. - Garth Clarke, North Sydney

Cooking the looks

Top marks to the British royal family for the most ridiculous and contrived photo of the year ("Stirring occasion", December 23). A Queen replete with diamond brooch, two princes in suits and ties, pretending to mix a Christmas pudding in the music room of a palace. Perhaps they couldn't find the kitchen. - Della Strathen, Bowral

To represent Prince Philip, the monarch, the heir, the spare and the spare’s heir could have worn Battenberg lace aprons while stirring the Christmas puddings. - Lyn Langtry, East Ryde

Don’t you love the way the Queen makes the Christmas pudding with her handbag on her arm? Maybe she is worried one of the boys will misbehave and pinch her dosh. - Mary Billing, Allambie Heights

I wonder what kitchen implement the Queen has in her handbag. - Peter Procopis, Bowral

Well, you asked

When checkout operators ask about my day so far or health, and if there is no queue, I tell them about my bad back, creaking limbs and sad loss of hair (Letters, December 23). I also remind them they have it all to look forward to themselves. - David Bishop, Bass Hill

It's kni-fi, not sci-fi

Anyone who thinks Star Wars is sci-fi has a lot to learn about the genre (Letters, December 23). Star Wars, with a cast including the dark knight, the white knight, the virginal princess, the grizzled knight with the off-beat sidekick and the wise old master, slots right into children’s medieval fantasy. There are even swords. The fact that all this is set in space does not make it any more than a rousing tale of jousting knights, and armies fighting for the empire. Now I must get back to some real sci-fi. Hello, Philip K Dick and Isaac Asimov. - James Heaslip, Mt Gravatt, QLD


Phil Storey (Letters, December 23), I suggest you cause your neighbour's watering apparatus to disappear one night, then use water from your washing machine on your veggie garden and share the produce with someone more deserving. - Meredith Williams, Dee Why

Your neighbour doesn't happen to be wearing a red suit, does he, Phil? - Jenny Stephenson, Wollongong

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