

This was published 4 years ago


Scott Morrison's Hawaiian sojourn won't be the PR disaster his critics hope


It seems odd, in hindsight. In 2007, Al Gore’s cinematic debut, a dense British report written by a knight, and what was deemed a once-in-a-century drought somehow combined with the excitement of a new, young Labor leader to make action on climate change seem both exciting and inevitable.

Three years later, Labor’s plans to act had been shelved. The new young leader was gone. And the party only just held on to government against Tony Abbott, a man who believed climate change was “absolute crap”.

There’s been speculation over the past week that bushfires, and Scott Morrison’s holiday, mark some sort of turning point in the climate debate. Well, perhaps. But remember how much changed between 2007 and 2010. Events that happen at the beginning of a political term – like these bushfires and the smoke blanketing Sydney – struggle to remain long in public consciousness.

That same amnesia will give Morrison some comfort after his Hawaiian sojourn. Going at all was probably a bad decision. Certainly it was atrociously handled. But it is not, by itself, the popularity-destroying disaster his opponents want it to be, for a simple reason: it’s too early. Partly that means time will shroud it, but mostly it means there is not yet a fixed impression of Morrison in the public mind that a mistake like this might crystallise and then exaggerate.

This infancy is a crucial fact about the Morrison government. Anthony Albanese likes to say that in 2022 he will have the benefit of campaigning against a nine-year-old Coalition government. For a while I thought he might be right, but I’ve changed my mind. When Morrison took over, the clock started ticking again.

Illustration: Simon Bosch

Illustration: Simon BoschCredit:

That shouldn’t be as comforting to Morrison’s supporters as it seems. It cuts both ways. We are now firmly into Morrison-time, and that means everything he does now has an impact on his public standing.

That standing depends on leadership, and competence, and all the things we expect from a prime minister. Mostly, though, it’s about character.

Character will always be the most fascinating element in politics because it can’t be contained. You can sculpt your image as much as you like, but if the nation’s eyes are trained on you long enough your actual self will jut out somewhere. Patterns will emerge in your behaviour, and voters will spot them. Politicians may get better at the nuts and bolts of their jobs over time, but as people they remain remarkably consistent.


Politically speaking, Morrison acted quickly enough, and expressed enough regret. Most Australians will forgive him. But they noticed – this was one of the political events of the year – and other facts will be added in the future to the facts of this week: he thought he was above the usual rules, he thought he could keep secrets from us, he thought he’d get away with it. When he apologised the first time he didn’t really apologise, and then he made excuses. These are old habits, and they will surface again.

On the question of character I should return to a point I made six weeks ago, that has suddenly become more topical. When you compare the polled traits of Morrison and his opponent, Albanese, Morrison’s only large lead is on “good in a crisis”. It would be dangerous to squander that.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on holidays in Hawaii.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on holidays in Hawaii.Credit: Twitter / @parso81

The other lingering harm the mess around the holiday will do is to relationships between the Prime Minister and the media. A fair chunk of the press gallery feels, with some justification, that it was deliberately misled by the Prime Minister’s office last week. Morrison also flat-out lied during the campaign, about Melissa Price, and recently misled Parliament, though this last seemed more like sloppiness. Prime ministers, especially early on, are rightly accorded a certain level of respect, which usually extends to accepting that they (and their representatives) are not in the habit of saying things they know aren’t true. Morrison’s office will insist that’s not quite what happened, but it was close enough, and Morrison will likely get a rougher ride from here.


So, there is the fast-moving time of political scandal. There is the glacial time of getting to know a prime minister, and the short-term memory of the electorate when it comes to events.

Two final types of political time to note. The first is the shrinking time we have to act on climate change. Earlier this month Angus Taylor helped derail global climate talks. Now, the next talks are a year away. That matters.

Finally, there is the time so often forgotten by politicians: the simple passing of each day. The government obviously believes it has time on its side to begin doing things. In political terms that’s true. But every day, 3 million Australians live out that day below the poverty line. Meanwhile, Newstart remains frozen. Indigenous Australians continue to die eight years earlier than non-Indigenous Australians. Meanwhile, the government refuses to give Indigenous Australians the voice to parliament that they want. While our government saunters along, many of its citizens – quiet Australians and others – are living precariously, or dying. Thinking you have time on your side is a luxury not everybody has.

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