

Firefighters extinguish a fire at a factory building that has been engulfed in a wildfire in Uiseong, South Korea on Saturday.

Dozens dead and injured as bushfires ravage South Korea

Tens of thousands of people have been told to evacuate and a helicopter pilot has been killed trying to extinguish some of the worst fires the nation has ever experienced.

  • Kim Tong-Hyung


Fire crews are balling the blaze in Woodvale.

Bushfire warning for Woodvale downgraded, but residents told to stay updated

DFES have downgraded a bushfire warning for Perth’s northern suburbs – but residents have been told to stay updated in case conditions change.

Illustration by Simon Letch

The outlook for house insurance is much worse than we’re being told

Insurance companies, the banks and the government know what’s coming, but they don’t want to talk about it before it happens, mainly because they don’t know what to do about it.

  • Ross Gittins
One home has been lost and two damaged in a bushfire in Montrose in Melbourne’s outer east overnight.

Caught off guard by bushfire, Montrose residents eager to develop their survival plans

Flames twice the height of trees moved through the area at the weekend, destroying one home and damaging two others.

  • Ashleigh McMillan and Alexander Darling
How premiums for home insurance have climbed since 2020, by Sydney LGA.

The maps that reveal how climate disasters are driving up insurance premiums in Sydney

The accelerating risk of climate disasters including floods, bushfires and storms means Sydneysiders in some parts of the city are paying over three times more for home insurance than others.

  • Caitlin Fitzsimmons
The Turnbull government promised in 2018 to gift two Black Hawk helicopters to the RFS.

The two Black Hawk helicopters restricted from helping in a disaster

The NSW Rural Fire Service is spending millions retrofitting two choppers, but it won’t be able to use them for floods, bushfires and other disasters.

  • Matt O'Sullivan
Delta Goodrem

LA fires force Delta Goodrem to withdraw from NRL Las Vegas performance

Goodrem and the NRL had been in discussions for the Aussie to star in the season opener in Nevada.

  • Michael Chammas, Adrian Proszenko and Danny Weidler
Barbara Rugendyke and daughter Sarah.

Barbara lost everything. The road to recovery has taken some unexpected turns

When the media left town and COVID hit, victims of the Black Summer bushfires were left to pick up the pieces. Five years on, here’s what happened to some of them.

  • Penry Buckley and James Brickwood
Bushfires. Cobargo, a town on the NSW south coast that has been devastated by bushfires yesterday. Photo shows a dead cow on the bottom of a dried out, burnt stream to the south west of the town. Photographed Wednesday 1st December 2020. Photograph by James Brickwood. SMH NEWS 200101

Five years on from Black Summer, climate crisis should not be a debate

The memory of Black Summer should remind Australia that climate change should not be subject to a debate, but a disaster response. 

  • The Herald's View
Kyle Moser and David Wilson lost everything when bushfires devastated the South Coast in 2019. Now, their rebuilt home is nearly ready for them to move into. (Video by Tom Compagnoni)
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Five years on, Cobargo residents rebuild

Kyle Moser and David Wilson lost everything when bushfires devastated the South Coast in 2019. Now, their rebuilt home is nearly ready for them to move into. (Video by Tom Compagnoni)

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