

This was published 4 years ago

Spin can't hose down PM's PR disaster

Both the editorial ("Now is not the time to be out of touch, PM", December 21) and Peter Hartcher ("Prime Minister Morrison goes MIA", December 21) are on the money.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

The real failure of our Prime Minister is his total inaction during the past six months. Fire chiefs not able to even meet with him, his total denial of scientists' warnings and failure to even implement or discuss a single policy that may have helped mitigate the disaster, telling firies they obviously enjoy what they're doing and don't need further support.

Then there was actually directing us (Australia) to be a destructive force in the Madrid climate talks, so that the major cause of all of the disaster will be further exacerbated. Nobody expects him to necessarily "hold the hose" but he has completely neglected to do what a PM should be doing, or anything useful at all. Had he acted on any of the above, his holiday may well have been viewed as a well-earned rest. As it is, his escape was seen as a complete cop-out. - Peggy Fisher, Killara

The PM demonstrates his capacity for delusion in ascribing criticism of leaving the country at this time to “anxiety” at his absence, and even more in his being “comforted by the fact that Australians would like me to be here”. Australians felt many emotions - anger and contempt being foremost - but anxiety at the loss of his imagined benevolent and comforting father figure was not one of them.

Merely we hoped against experience that he may do his job and announce measures to help, both short term and long term. The fact that he has not budged an inch in his approach to climate change but reiterated his equally delusional belief that Australia already has “sensible targets” shows how forlorn our hope was. He may as well go back to Hawaii. - Jennifer Briggs, Kilaben Bay

It’s interesting that the PM can go on holidays because he doesn’t hold a hose, yet when it came to discussing climate change, everyone was too busy focusing on the job at hand. - John Mizon, Collaroy

Not for the first time our PM has shown poor judgment in what makes for good leadership. - Arthur Cooper, Alstonville

I am a loyal Liberal voter, but Morrison has demonstrated uncaring and poor leadership. We need clear directions and actions from the PM, not sermons and sympathies. - Susan Chan, St Ives

We elect our leaders to address foreseeable and imminent dangers to our society. Keating addressed our archaic financial system, John Howard reacted appropriately to Port Arthur and Kevin Rudd responded to the GFC. We’ve had long-term warning of the bushfire catastrophe we are now confronting on a national level. The PM did nothing. He went on holiday then came home without a good idea on the horizon. He should step aside. - John Golden, Newport


In recent years, the Coalition has given us a highly effective opposition leader who couldn't govern, a wealthy man who couldn't govern his party and now a marketing man who refuses to govern.
This latest version is the most dangerous. - Andrew Simpson, Epping

Others can comment on our PM’s tin ear but just imagine what Alan Jones would have said if Julia Gillard had gone on holidays in the same situation.  - Mark Allen, Islington

Here’s a tip, Scomo. Before you do anything, ask yourself: “What would Jacinda do?” - Rob Landsberry, Bowral

At least Tony could hold a hose. - Bronwyn Scott, Croydon

David Crowe writes ("Smoke haze parts to show lack of leadership", December 21) that “there are few places he (Morrison) can go, given his security team has to be part of his holiday as well”. Past prime ministers including John Howard (Hawks Nest) and Tony Abbott and Bob Hawke (Berrara) have happily spent their holidays in sleepy coastal places in Australia. There was absolutely no need for our current PM to holiday overseas at this time of crisis. - James Harper, Lindfield

It’s the marketer’s apology. Prime Minister Morrison did not apologise for his bad judgement. He only apologised for the offence caused. So it’s actually our fault because we took offence. - John Burman, Port Macquarie

Who says our Prime Minister cannot hold a hose? It seems to me that anyone who wants to can hold a hose. Where there's a will, there's a way. - Irene Buckler, Glenwood

You can't help but think that Scott Morrison's return was more prompted by a PR disaster than the actual climate disaster. - Susan Suhood, Chatswood

Leadership vacuum exposed

The Prime Minister, as Peter Hartcher implied, may have wanted to avoid (rather than solve) his many “big problems” (“Prime Minster Morrison goes M.I.A.”, December 21). Yet he seems to believe that he has solved them. Shortly before vanishing, he told a press conference that “our actions on climate change are getting the results they’re intended to get”. Really? Many people, whose scientific knowledge vastly exceeds his, consider that climate change is a significant causative factor in the dreadful drought and appalling fires which currently engulf us. The nation might be slowly recognising this likelihood and will, eventually, seek someone to blame. Then a retributive political conflagration will surely succeed an arboreal one. - John Carmody, Roseville

When it all boils down to it, we have no idea of the quality of the persons that we elect to run the country or the state. The only reason that they are in that position is because they have joined a political party. In what other instance would anyone be allowed to virtually walk in off the street and be able to spend $2.9 billion on a transport system? Or have a Prime Minister who decides to go off on holiday while the worst bushfires in our history ravage the country? The dedication of our politicians is to themselves first, the party second and Australia last. We must demand better. - Stewart Copper, Maroubra

If the scientists are correct, the obstruction of efforts to tackle climate change will have greatly increased the likelihood of the predicted disaster. Politicians, it seems, are knowingly and willingly inflicting this upon their own children and grandchildren. They are doing this because of, and only because of, political party allegiance. - Graham Smith, Blackwall

I have just returned from a cruise on the Ovation of the Seas, during which the Mt White eruption occurred and so many were killed or horrifically injured. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern took immediate control, appearing constantly with her Police Commissioner, head of disaster recovery, forensics chief and others. The flow of information was constant, empathetic and professional. The well-being and care of the injured and their families as well as the families of the deceased being uppermost at all times. She took great care to ensure that no names were released before all necessary forensic work for identification was completed in order to avoid unnecessary distress. This is a Prime Minister who understands their role, so that at times like this, there is a real need to take the initiative in order to enter a climate of empathy, compassion and professionalism. - John Gelling, Merimbula

I’ve just realised why I am really irritated by the right wing’s position on climate change. It’s not their ignorant dismissal of scientific evidence, gathered over decades and confirmed by international experts. It’s not their puerile arguments, like “self-combusting manure”. And it’s not their seeming capture by big businesses, like coal miners and coal burners. Their ignoring or trivialising the physical and reputational damage being done to the country I love. - Graham Hansen, Denistone

Museum strategy needs options

Well said, Elizabeth Farrelly, ("Merry Christmas, Sydney, love Gladys", December 21). It would be cheaper to leave the Powerhouse where it is and build a world-class history museum/art gallery in Parramatta. There would then probably be funds left over to update the Riverside Theatre. At present, NSW does not have a world history museum; there are several excellent small museums focusing on particular aspects, but not one that covers everything. Maybe Parramatta could also have the new wing of the Art Gallery of NSW, leaving the Domain intact for the use for which it was intended. - Ann Cooper, Wentworthville

Farrelly’s article giving the cold hard facts of the Berejiklian government’s real Christmas gift to Sydney makes depressing reading and confirms the irrationality of the Powerhouse relocation decision. This is our surety – at an eye-watering cost to the taxpayer – that the Government would rather trample on our unique heritage and line developers’ pockets than listen to the wishes of the people. - Joy Nason, Mona Vale

Farrelly is absolutely on song. What Parramatta needs is an art gallery which would hold blockbuster exhibitions to which residents – who currently go to Melbourne and Canberra – would flock. The Government in its earlier justification stated that the Powerhouse was tired and not popular; well, just give to the Westies, I guess. - Charles Ovadia, Bronte

Farrelly laments the premier’s apparent determination to "make Sydney the cultural desert of colonial legend". Indeed, is this tendency not wholly consistent with Coalition principles? Arts and culture are "elitist", don’t you know. On the other hand, making the (not elite) rich even richer is good for the economy and, through the marvel of trickle-down, benefits quiet Australians. Who needs culture anyway? - James Buckman, Enmore

Now we've seen the plans for the new Powerhouse in Parramatta, when do we get to see the new architectural drawings for Harris Street. Has Sportsbet opened a book on the number of storeys yet? - Dick Barker, Epping

Farrelly’s attack on the design of the new museum for Parramatta is clearly driven by her love for the existing Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo rather than an analysis of the new building for western Sydney. She calls the design by French Japanese architects Moreau Kusunoki "pretentious". The winning architects, who have simply followed a brief, have created some excellent buildings and won a competition for the design of the Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki. We should applaud their design, which is different to Ultimo's Powerhouse, as a fresh and unusual architecture that is about the future, not the past. - Chris Johnson, Millers Point

The bonus of choosing a self-serving job

Evidently, bankers can not do their jobs well without a bonus. The million-dollar wage recipients of the RBA have used trial and error for more than six years now to see if they can solve an economic problem. They have failed miserably, sending house prices sky high. Yet now we turn our backs on market forces and refuse to take any other course of action which may jeopardise the house prices.

“People will lose confidence and will not spend (consume)”. Now let’s see the other side of the coin. Doctors and nurses do their jobs on salaries or part-time wages. Help save a life? No bonuses! Teachers do their jobs on salary or casual wages. Help a kid to read or get a student to uni? No bonuses! Firefighters have sacrificed their lives and worked their butts off in the most extreme of adverse conditions. No pay (unless they have generous employers) and certainly no bonuses! Where are these brilliant market forces when we need them? - Lance Coffey, Tinonee

Agency at fossil fuel's behest

It is a bit rich for the head of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol, to warn Australia to get its act together on climate and energy policy ("'Get your act together'", December 21). For the past 15 years, the IEA been largely under the thumb of the world’s fossil fuel producers via its various energy advisory boards. Its annual reports, such as the World Energy Outlook, have talked up fossil fuel demand and downplayed the potential of renewable energy. The WEO typically presents three scenarios including a climate-focused alternative, but the way they have been presented has allowed the climate deniers in our governments and corporations to claim support from the IEA for existing policies, which assume massive increases in fossil fuel demand. This is suicidal nonsense given the climate risks we face, as we are belatedly finding out. All fossil fuel expansion must halt, gas included, and the existing industry wound down as fast as possible if we are to avoid locking-in even more catastrophic outcomes. Fatih Birol’s conversion is welcome, but a bit late. - Ian Dunlop, Gordon

Insurance hikes burn a hole

It is not only our firefighters working overtime these past weeks; our insurance companies have been operating with the speed of greased lightning to find an excuse (bushfires) to jack up premiums. My home and contents insurance is due in January and the renewal notice received last week is 33 per cent up on last year’s premium on the same terms. I was told the increase was due to the fire conditions Australia is now experiencing. I am not in a fire-prone area. In fact I'm at least 50km from significant fires. So, if that “fire premium” is levied across all policies (domestic and commercial) and by all insurers, what a bonanza they will rake in. Sounds like another worthwhile enquiry for ACCC. - Gordon Tindall, Belmont

Water at what cost?

With Sydney’s dam water at a 44 per cent level and declining by 0.4 per cent per week, we’ll soon reach a perilous situation unless the state government begins accelerated construction of the second desal plant. Cost shouldn’t be a consideration, but if it is, it would cost approximately 60 per cent of the new tram line. Which is the more important? - Harold Levien, Dover Heights

My neighbour has an illegal late-night water of his backyard and the tail end of the spray comes over the fence and onto my vegie garden. The result is the best crop I have had for years. My environmental dilemma is, should I report him to authorities or share some of my vegetables, resulting in both a reduction in his drives to the fruit shop and his carbon footprint. - Phil Storey, Penrith

No cheer around here

Nobody likes a Christmas scrooge. Clover Moore has reduced Christmas decorations to an absolute minimum (zero) in Kings Cross and Potts Point. Shopkeepers are doing it tough in our area. Sydney Council’s CBD-centric attitude is myopic considering our mega-rates contribution. - Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point

Civic act of contrition

David Sargent thinks that the relationship of a priest to a confessor is similar to that of a lawyer to a client but I would suggest that it should be treated more like the relationship between a psychologist (or other health worker) and a client (Letters, December 21-22). As psychologists, we explain to our clients that what we discuss is confidential except where there is a danger to themselves or to others, or when there is a subpoena. We are mandatory reporters as are many other professionals, and priests should be included in this. - Judy Christian, Castle Hill

If he is made aware of the individual’s transgressions, the priest could simply refuse absolution until the individual makes an admission to police. Assuming the person involved is cognisant of the importance of "divine" forgiveness, it would be a powerful means of resolving the situation. Otherwise, the priest is virtually complicit in the wrong-doing. - Derrick Mason, Boorowa

Time for rhyme

Robert Frost, the great American poet, said poetry was a way of taking life by the throat ("Let it snow? Poets can do as they please with our season", December 21-22). Whether "snow on snow, snow on snow" from Christina Rossetti's In the Bleak Midwinter or Andrew Bullen's Our Lady, St Mary, of Fire Beacon ("These sights, traveller, will bring you home, singing "Kyrie" all the way, "eleison" all the way"), let it be a poetical Christmas for all. - Pam Connor, Mollymook Beach

Don't ask about my day

I would like to add one more plaintive request to Richard Glover's list of wishes ("All I want for Christmas, Santa, is everything", December 21). Dear Santa, could any shop assistant who asks in a bored manner, "How has your day been so far?" be immediately turned to stone? - Robyn Park, Balgowlah

Men can sign, too

How wonderful to see men moving into traditional female vocations; namely, male sign language interpreters assisting our RFS Commissioner and his fabulous team. - Amanda Jordan, Artarmon

Turning merkin

Amerlish? Yeah, nah (Letters, December 21). Cunning linguists refer to it as “merkin” which more aptly places its impact on the Queen’s English. - Peter Fyfe, Enmore

Peach of a cartoon

Wonderfully insightful cartoon by Moir (December 21) highlighting Trump's narcissism. He may not only be impeached but also impaired. - Al Clark, Belrose

Forceful response

Karl Quinn ("Star Wars suffers a disturbance in The Force", December 21) complains that the new Star Wars movie is a load of “comic book nonsense”. Can I remind him that the entire nine parts of Star Wars have been one big load of comic book nonsense. It’s Star Wars for heaven's sake, and I, as one 74-year-old sci-fi fan, have thoroughly enjoyed it all. - Edd Ashmore, Marrickville

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