

This was published 4 years ago


A salute to heroic firefighters as our beloved country burns

By Lexi Landsman

We’ve become readers of the wind. When it’s still, we know there is chance the smoke will stubbornly hover above us, choking us and coating our beaches, farms and homes in a film of ash. When it’s windy, we know it might move the smoke, but it can also propel the fires forward, changing their direction and amplifying their speed and ferocity.

On Saturday after 112 fires burnt across NSW, bolstered by 40C temperatures and 90km/h winds, a southerly swept through. I could feel the cool change as I sat in my study, glued to my computer screen for another night, scrolling through news feeds for minute-by-minute updates on our bushfire emergency.

A gust blew a film of black ash from the windowsill onto my shelf of books, landing on a 1948 novel, Cry, the Beloved Country. The title rang in my mind like a siren. Our beloved country is on fire. And our hearts burn.

On Saturday, 20 homes were lost in the immense Gospers Mountain fire, north west of Sydney, some in Bateman’s Bay on the south coast and others at Balmoral, south west of Sydney. Though the southerly brought some rain to the Green Wattle Creek fire, it did little to stem the 460,000-hectare inferno at Gospers Mountain or the 130,000-hectare Currowan blaze, and did nothing to relieve the tireless work of 3000 crews and emergency personnel on the field.

As I continued to read the updates, my news feeds filled with photos of our nationwide disaster in sepia tones, an effect not delivered by filters, but the reality of the smoke haze that has turned our sun red, an apt colour to reflect our bleeding hearts as homes are engulfed, the land burns, animals die, people are displaced and our firefighters work tirelessly in apocalyptic conditions.

Gospers Mountain fire at Bilpin on Saturday.

Gospers Mountain fire at Bilpin on Saturday.Credit: Nick Moir

None of the images haunt me as much as two photos of men, holding their toddlers. I stare at them, my chest tight. One has the same deep blue eyes as his 19-month-old son, and the other bears striking resemblance to his one-and-a-half-year-old daughter, with their brown eyes and hair, and cheeky grins. The men both have that proud dad smile, the kind you can see in the edges of their eyes and in the protective way they hold their toddler’s close. I learn their names – Geoffrey Keaton, 32, and Andrew O'Dwyer, 36. Two volunteer firefighters killed last week while battling the blazes in Buxton when their truck rolled, after being hit by a tree, killing them and injuring three passengers.
I think of my husband, also in his early 30s, our two sons, aged three and one, and I feel a literal ache in my chest, heavier than the smoke I’ve been breathing in for weeks now. Those brave volunteers are the human faces of the country’s unprecedented bushfires.

Andrew O'Dwyer and Geoffrey Keaton, both pictured with their young children, died on Thursday night fighting fires at Buxton.

Andrew O'Dwyer and Geoffrey Keaton, both pictured with their young children, died on Thursday night fighting fires at Buxton.

Our Prime Minister contended (before disappearing amid a national crisis on a holiday to Hawaii) that our volunteer firefighters were “tired, but they also want to be out there”. It is true that these volunteers want to protect their communities, but with the unprecedented conditions they are facing, complacency about the support they are receiving no longer cuts it.


Now back on home turf, Scott Morrison admitted yesterday that “with the benefit of hindsight” he would “have made different decisions”. He pledged to Rural Fire Service commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons that he’d provide whatever support was needed, “they simply need to ask”.

What our emergency responders certainly don’t need to ask for is a thank you from a nation indebted to them for being on the frontline and battling the blazes, despite our government’s inaction on climate change, the global challenge of our times that has contributed to the intensity of the crisis we now face.

Wreck Bay fire crew protect a property on Jindelara Creek Road from the Currowan fire in the state's south.

Wreck Bay fire crew protect a property on Jindelara Creek Road from the Currowan fire in the state's south.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

So to the triple zero call operators who have answered 60,000 calls since the start of the bushfire season, and have listened to the rawness of fear in shaky voices, children’s cries, and the hum of sirens, we are grateful to you.

To the paramedics, who have held hands and hearts, who have stemmed bleeding and treated burns, who have attended in NSW to 51,000 cases this December, we thank you.


To the volunteers, who have taken koalas and wildlife into their homes and treated their burns and dehydration, we commend you.

To the home owners and drought-stricken farmers, who have battled blazes, lost animals and livelihood, and returned to houses reduced to tin and rubble, to a lifetime of memories now littered in ash, our hearts ache for you.

To the loved ones of firefighters, waiting at home by their phone, for news that they are safe for another day, we are here with you.

And finally to the heroic firefighters, men and women, bravely risking their lives, pushing past fatigue, your days not marked by day and night, but by exhaustion, heat stroke, chlorine inhalation, smoke and the constant fear of death, we salute you and all you are doing for our beloved country.

Lexi Landsman is a television producer and author. Her debut novel, The Ties that Bind, was inspired by the Black Saturday bushfires.

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