

This was published 4 years ago


Australia's struggle with smoke and fire should put nuclear power on the agenda

By Dr Mark Ho

Australia’s quest to decarbonise stepped forward this month with the release of a federal inquiry report looking to bin our ban on nuclear power introduced in the 1990s.

The report recognised nuclear energy as a source of clean, low-carbon electricity, and the potential of new and emerging nuclear technologies in Australia if they are delivered alongside community consent and meet the needs of our country and industry.

Such sensible recommendations cannot come soon enough as Australia struggles with the worst bushfires and air pollution in living memory, alongside ongoing debate about our energy mix.

We all know coal has reliably powered NSW for decades, but it is the most carbon intensive of all energy options, most of our state’s five coal-fired power plants are coming to the end of their life, and their social license to continue to operate is diminishing.

Beyond any debates about their total relative contribution to carbon in the air and climate change, some reports estimate the pollution from those five plants in NSW alone will be directly responsible for many hundreds of deaths, perhaps more.

We need an alternative, and the current ones aren’t great. Renewables are an obvious avenue but need to be backed by baseload power sources: with gas having become the default back up. This has problems of its own, the first of which is that gas combustion produces CO2.


Enter the potential nuclear answer to the climate change question. Nuclear power is used as a reliable and clean energy source in most OECD countries and many other parts of the world, and the reactors of today are improving, with current and future reactors being more sustainable, safer, more proliferation-resistant and cost-effective.

These new technologies are where the energy opportunity for Australia lies: specifically small modular reactors and six types of Generation IV reactors which are all technologies in either the production line or the pipeline.


Small modular reactors, or SMRs, are designed with modular technology on a production line, and can be located near mining sites or remote towns, eliminating both long-distance energy transmission costs and risks, and delivering cheaper, reliable power.

They have passive safety features, small fuel loadings, capacity to work in tandem with fluctuating renewable sources, and are already in the design and construction phase.

Climate change which is stoking ferocious bush fires. Is nuclear power the answer?

Climate change which is stoking ferocious bush fires. Is nuclear power the answer?Credit: SMH

The Generation IV reactors being designed can be larger in scale – with capacity to replace both baseload coal-fired or nuclear power plants.

The six designs were chosen after 100 experts evaluated 130 concepts. Those selected would use fuel efficiently, reduce waste, and meet stringent safety and proliferation standards, and the first of these designs could be demonstrated within the next few years, and deployed from about 2030.


Now the question is, why could these carbon-free energy solutions not be introduced in Australia? Detractors usually cite three reasons – safety, price and consent.

The consent argument goes that no one wants a nuclear power plant or waste facility in their backyard, and around the world, we have seen this is not true.

The figures are that there are about 30 countries currently operating 437 power reactors right now, with a further 72 under construction in 15 countries.

And permanent repositories for safe management of the high-level waste generated from nuclear power production are being established with community consent in places like Finland, Sweden, Canada and France.

On price, yes it takes time and money to introduce any new technology into an energy mix, but the thing detractors miss is that those costs vary greatly.

As an example, where it might cost in the order of $US6 billion to deliver a large 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactor, this can be brought down to $US3 billion for a 700 megawatt SMR plant comprised of 12 co-located SMR units.

Nuclear power has the best safety record but the worst PR record of all the energy options.

The claim on safety is based on data over 70 years.

The PR problem is driven by high-profile incidents like Fukushima (Japan 2011) which saw zero deaths or serious injuries due to radioactivity, Three Mile Island (USA 1979) where there were zero deaths and no adverse health or environmental consequences, and of course Chernobyl (Ukraine 1986).


Chernobyl was the result of the poor operation of a badly designed reactor that was built in the 1970s, with the steam explosion and fire killing two people initially, plus a further 28 from radiation poisoning within three months, and of course analysis of the effects are ongoing.

Since that time there has been more than 30 years’ worth of learning lessons about regulation, design, passive safety features, and operational procedures. This was a mistake that cannot be repeated.

At the end of the day, electricity will always come from a mix of energy sources. And when we’re thinking about a decarbonised energy mix, the best possible solution is renewables working alongside nuclear to drive down our C02 levels.

As Dr Fatih Birol from the International Energy Agency said last week, Australia's climate and energy debate has become too emotional, nervous and hot.

Lifting the ban on nuclear power can strike a clear path for Australia to decarbonise cheaply and effectively. We need to start talking about solutions, and nuclear energy might just be it.

Dr Mark Ho is the president of the Australian Nuclear Association.

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