‘Well planned’: Man bashed in jewellery shop heist
A man has been bound and gagged as a pair of “strong” middle-aged men allegedly pull off a $2.5m jewellery shop armed robbery in Dandenong.
A man has been bound and gagged as a pair of “strong” middle-aged men allegedly pull off a $2.5m jewellery shop armed robbery in Dandenong.
Hashim Mohamed’s alleged murder at St Kilda shocked Melbourne, but new data shows stabbings are on the rise as more offenders carry concealed weapons.
A packed Melbourne jail has channelled Will Ferrell comedy film Step Brothers to solve its overcrowding problems.
The landlord of a home that was sprayed with bullets says she is “terrified” by the behaviour of the tenant who is a previously trusted friend.
A Melbourne woman injured in an horrific rollercoaster accident has been released from hospital, lawyers have revealed.
The number of suspended, disqualified and unlicensed drivers caught on Victorian roads has surged as the state’s road toll soars.
Emergency crews were called after a plane flipped while landing on French Island, southeast of Melbourne.
A jailhouse gang with a reputation for ultra-violence has risen to become the strongest faction in Victoria’s prisons.
Underworld identity Sam “The Punisher” Abdulrahim has locked in his return to the professional boxing, less than a year after being shot eight times.
About 40 police cars descended on the city’s southeast as officers seized drugs, ammunition and cash in a large-scale operation.
Original URL: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/journalists/brianna-travers/page/9