

Wednesday August 24 2022 SA WEEKEND - John Setka. CFMEU leader John Setka pictured in Adelaide. Picture: Roy VanDerVegt

Powerful new laws to break up the CFMEU

New laws will enable the manufacturing division to split from the broader militant CFMEU, with the move coming after John Setka threatened to derail AFL-related projects unless the league sacked its head of umpiring.

Victorian of the year Daryl Somers at a ceremony at Melbourne Town Hall. Daryl Somers still goes off with a bang helped by members of the Werribee Half Battery outside Melbourne Town Hall.                      Picture: David Caird

Daryl Somers hints at Hey Hey tour

The TV legend was named Victorian of the Year on Monday and said he was “serious” about touring highlights from the show after digitising more than two decades of old episodes.

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