Quick-thinking boy saves mum from diabetic coma
DANIEL Tucker has earned a Pride of Australia award nomination for his quick-thinking actions after his mum fell to the ground shaking and slipped towards a diabetic coma.
DANIEL Tucker has earned a Pride of Australia award nomination for his quick-thinking actions after his mum fell to the ground shaking and slipped towards a diabetic coma.
JENNY Stanger’s life’s work is to remind us people trafficking still happens, even in Australia, in restaurants, farms and nail salons.
CASSIDY Strickland was only eight when she saw a man going through a bin looking for food. And she knew then she just wanted to help.
MARNEE May grew up in the hardened western suburbs of Melbourne, surrounded by public housing, violence and drug and alcohol abuse.
JARROD Lawrence could have been forgiven if he had gone off the rails.
HAS someone inspired you with their dedication, initiative, courage or charity? Show them how much their actions matter to you by nominating them for the prestigious Pride of Australia Medal.
THE full list of Pride of Australia Medal 2013 finalists and the reasons and acts behind why they have been successfully chosen.
LORD Mayor Clover Moore has an uncanny ability for finding artistic beauty in the most unlikely places.
TIM Hannan was fishing with mates when he heard a scream and saw a man plunge from a cliff into the sea. What happened next could earn Tim a Pride of Australia gong.
THEY are an extraordinary group of everyday Australians, united by a bond of compassion, bravery and true heroism. Our unsung heroes are worthy Pride of Australia NSW finalists.
THESE kids who live in remote areas of NSW have to travel up to 200km to take part in the Outback Toy Library.
ATTORNEY-General Greg Smith is to appeal a decision to grant conditional parole to gang rapist Mohamed Sanoussi.
JACQUELINE Townsend has dedicated much of her life to building communities, throwing much of her energy into a bold plan to revitalise her region.
TRACEY Ayton couldn’t stand poolside when she thought children with disabilities were missing out.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/pride-of-australia/page/39