
Pride Of Australia

Pride of Australia
NSW Health have established a Covid-19 pop-up testing clinic at the carpark of Bankstown Central shopping centre. Pictured is Nurse Souraya Farah. Picture: David Swift

Say thanks a million to our heroes

Theatre nurse Souraya Farah has been working long hours to meet the demand at Sydney’s pop-up COVID-19 testing clinics. But she is happy to do it for the good of the community and that’s why she has been nominated for the Thanks a Million campaign.

John Schiemer was dead for 24 minutes while his parents Jenny and Heath Schiemer worked on him and he came back to life. Pictured at Ambulance HQ in Eveleigh for Pride of Australia. Picture Rohan Kelly

‘Dead for 24 minutes’ but alive thanks to mum and dad

John Schiemer, 19, was fit when he suffered a cardiac arrest in bed in April. Shocked and distressed, his parents acted quickly but despite being technically dead for 24 minutes, he woke from an induced coma a week later. HEAR THE TRIPLE-0 CALL

CENTRAL COAST EXPRESS ADVOCATE / AAP.Max Taylor poses for a photo with his surfboard on Wamberal Beach. Saturday 16th June 2019Max rescued a UK swimmer in March he was just 11-years-old at the time (now12)(AAP IMAGE / MARK SCOTT)

Young boy’s rapid response saves man from drowning

Max Taylor was only 11 years old when he jumped into the rising swells to save a drowning backpacker caught in a deadly rip at Wamberal beach on the Central Coast. He has now been nominated for a News Corp Australia Pride of Australia Award.

George Rudonski, 58, was saved by his Pomeranian Gucci from a house fire last night at their home on Dargie Place in Eagle Vale. Around 11pm last night, firefighters attended a property in Eagle Vale after reports of a fire. The property was found severely damaged and the homeowner escaped almost unscathed, hospitalised for smoke inhalation. The man's little pomeranian saved his life by alerting him to the fire. Picture: Jonathan Ng

Plucky pomeranian saves her owner from blaze

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and Gucci the pomeranian might be the smallest and furriest of them all. The two-year-old pooch saved her owner George Rutonski­’s life when his Eagle Vale rental home caught alight as he slept.

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