
Full list

Full list of finalists for the 2013 Pride of Australia Medal 2013

THE full list of Pride of Australia Medal 2013 finalists and the reasons and acts behind why they have been successfully chosen.

WA's most inspirational

BELOW is the complete list of finalists for the Pride of Australia Medal 2013.

Channel 10 will partner with News Corp Australia to provide a live TV spectacular telecast of this year's Pride of Australia Medal, which will be held in a stunning marquee on the lawns of the picturesque NSW Government House, Bennelong Point, on November 15.

The finalists in their respective categories are:


Detective Inspector Bryson Anderson, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Heroism ... Detective Inspector Bryson Anderson. Picture: Kylie Pitt
Pride of Australia Medal: Heroism ... Detective Inspector Bryson Anderson. Picture: Kylie Pitt

Police officer Bryson Anderson paid the ultimate price for his bravery when he was wounded in an altercation in Sydney's south west. After being called to a neighbourhood dispute, Bryson was fatally stabbed. Despite his injuries, Bryson defended his fellow officers before tragically losing his life. As a veteran police office and dedicated family man, Bryson gave his life to the service of the people of NSW.

RACQ Capricorn Helicopter Rescue 300 Crew, Qld

Pride of Australia Medal: Heroism ... (From left) Garth Snaidero, Matthew Brandon and Scott Salisbury from RACQ Capricorn Helicopter Service (Rescue 300). Picture; Mark Calleja
Pride of Australia Medal: Heroism ... (From left) Garth Snaidero, Matthew Brandon and Scott Salisbury from RACQ Capricorn Helicopter Service (Rescue 300). Picture; Mark Calleja

The miraculous rescue of a toddler in Queensland's January floods made global headlines, but portrayed only part of the heroism of the men of RACQ Capricorn Helicopter Rescue 300. Flying in heavy rain, poor visibility and often at treetop height, the crew in one day rescued nine people stranded on and in vehicles on a highway near Rockhampton. The final rescue involved a car washed off the road and pinned against a power pole, with its occupants forced to scramble on to the roof.

Mal Lee and Nick Harlin, WA

Pride of Australia Medal: Heroism ... Senior Constable Mal Lee (left) and partner Constable Nick Harlin. Picture: Kerris Berrington
Pride of Australia Medal: Heroism ... Senior Constable Mal Lee (left) and partner Constable Nick Harlin. Picture: Kerris Berrington

Police officers Mal and Nick where on patrol when a man drove his car off a jetty and into the Swan River on January 20 this year. They arrived on the scene in less than eight minutes, by which time the car was submerged. The only evidence of the crash was surface bubbles 10m from shore. The pair immediately dove into the water in a frantic attempt to save the driver, with Sen-Constable Harlin the first to reach the vehicle. The driver had already been underwater for several minutes by the time the officers pulled him from the car and back to the jetty. Waiting paramedics performed CPR and thanks to the efforts of the two men, the driver survived.


Natalie Cook, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Courage ... Natalie Cook.
Pride of Australia Medal: Courage ... Natalie Cook.

In 2008, Natalie (and husband Neil's) life was turned upside down when their 17 year old son Sam was king-hit at party and suffered devastating brain injuries. After making the heart wrenching decision to turn off Sam's life support, Natalie was gripped by the conviction that other families should not suffer a similar fate. Five years on from launching the Sammy D Foundation, Natalie continues to share her story with young adults to educate them on the dangers and consequences of youth violence.

Will Chapman, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Courage ... Will Chapman.
Pride of Australia Medal: Courage ... Will Chapman.

Suffering from heart and lung failure and needing a double organ transplant, Will decided to appeal to the Australian public. He reached thousands of people with his "A Gracious Gift" and "Don't Bury Me" campaigns. Giving a human face to the need for organ donation in Australia, Will's campaign was run across every major media outlet in the country, all who donated space to tell his story. Following his appeal the Australian Organ and Tissue Authority reported unprecedented organ donation rates. He remains passionately committed to organ and tissue donation after receiving a heart and two lung transplants successfully.

Matthew Ames, Qld

Pride of Australia Medal: Courage ... Matthew Ames. Picture: Mark Calleja
Pride of Australia Medal: Courage ... Matthew Ames. Picture: Mark Calleja

Matthew Ames' story in Q Weekend magazine sparked an outpouring of admiration and inspiration. In 2012 Matthew's body was attacked by the streptococcal A bacteria. On the verge of death and in an induced coma, his family had to decide for him to amputate all four limbs to stop the bacteria spreading through his body to save his life. Knowing Matthew, 39, would choose life as an amputee over death, wife Diane agreed. His courage, stoicism and positive attitude since the surgery have been inspiring.


Luke Owens, Vic

Pride of Australia Medal: Young Leader ... Luke Owens.
Pride of Australia Medal: Young Leader ... Luke Owens.

An unlikely friendship with a 10-year-old girl who admitted to sleeping rough with her homeless mother opened the eyes of Luke Owens to the many young people living on the streets in Bendigo. Last year Luke, aged 20, set up Bendigo for Homeless Youth and proceeded to raise an astonishing $500,000 within nine months. Deferring his university degree, he ran monthly fundraisers in the form of gigs, dinners and tin rattles to share his passion for social justice.

Yaya Lu, Tas

Pride of Australia Medal: Young Leader ... Yaya Lu.
Pride of Australia Medal: Young Leader ... Yaya Lu.

A new world of possibilities will open up for those in wheelchairs because of the inventiveness of a Tasmanian schoolgirl. Thanks to the brilliance of 16-year-old Yaya Lu from suburban Dynnyrne in Hobart, quadriplegics will be able to control their wheelchairs by raising an eyebrow or wrinkling their nose. It's an extraordinary achievement for them and for Yaya, who has already received the CSIRO's top honour for Australian school students, the Gold CREST, and has addressed a prestige international conference about her invention.

Alpha Capaque, NT

Pride of Australia Medal: Young Leader ... Alpha Capaque.
Pride of Australia Medal: Young Leader ... Alpha Capaque.

Alpha Capaque was appointed as a member of the Youth Minister's Roundtable of Young Territorians in 2011. Advising the NT Government on a range of issues faced by young people, Alpha conducted a study on the strategic use of recreational activities to reduce youth crime and violence, entitled the 'Room of Requirement'. She was also the Roundtable representative on the committee of Regional Development Australia and was on the organising team and a panel speaker for the NT Young Women's Festival.


Heidi Hardisty, WA

Pride of Australia Medal: Environment: Heidi Hardisty.
Pride of Australia Medal: Environment: Heidi Hardisty.

Heidi is a passionate advocate for the restoration of the former golf course at Lake Claremont, having dedicated the past seven years to its rehabilitation. She has been an inspiration to hundreds of volunteers, working tirelessly towards the restoration of 10ha of native bushland. Heidi has spent five years on the board of the Friends of Lake Claremont association, helping it earn 11 state and federal grants worth $288,000. She has organised a School Community Service program that inspires children to assist with the restoration program, which has planted more than 3000 seedlings in its first year.

Neale Matthews and Graeme Rainbow, Tas

Pride of Australia Medal: Environment ... (From left) Graeme Rainbow and Neale Matthews.
Pride of Australia Medal: Environment ... (From left) Graeme Rainbow and Neale Matthews.

One of Tasmania's most popular foreshore walks bears the stamp of 11 years of hard work and the joy of making a difference by retired teacher Graeme Rainbow and retired butcher Neale Matthews. The two men are the nucleus of the Bellerive Bluff Land and Coast Care Group which has turned three kilometres of weeds and bare earth between the Waterfront Hotel and the western end of Bellerive Beach into a riverfront ribbon of paths, seats, stairs and native plants.

Ena Middleton, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Environment ... Ena Middleton at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.
Pride of Australia Medal: Environment ... Ena Middleton at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.

Ena Middleton has been involved in the regeneration of native bushland on the Central Coast for 24 years. As a sprightly 87 year old, she is a tireless campaigner for the coastline, propagating many of the trees and plants in the area from seedling she collected. Ena was instrumental in establishing one of the first Landcare groups in the state and is a regular volunteer for the Botanic Gardens. Her work with Wambina Nature Reserve has helped to protect the 145 diverse fauna species which live there, 12 of which are endangered.


William Ryan, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Ceremony ... William Ryan. Picture: Tricia Watkinson.
Pride of Australia Medal: Ceremony ... William Ryan. Picture: Tricia Watkinson.

William has committed his life to helping others. After winning the lottery and $100,000 he purchased a house next door to his to care for the homeless and elderly in his community. He has paid for funerals when there has been no family member to cover the cost, provided medications and has upgraded the kitchen and bathroom facilities in his elderly neighbours' home when they wanted to spend longer in their own home before being moved into care. William has taken on a number of jobs to finance this care and to his community, is a true hero.

Braking the Cycle Group, Qld

Pride of Australia Medal: Community Spirit ... Dave McDonald, Robert Clarke, Mark Jones, Robert Heeroma, Sharon Perry, Colin Stanley, Ron Banks and Rod Power. Picture: Mark Calleja
Pride of Australia Medal: Community Spirit ... Dave McDonald, Robert Clarke, Mark Jones, Robert Heeroma, Sharon Perry, Colin Stanley, Ron Banks and Rod Power. Picture: Mark Calleja

The nominees are an integral part of the 75 volunteers at Braking The Cycle - a Police Citizens Youth Clubs' program helping young people get driving licences. With many young people struggling to achieve 100 hours of supervised driving (to obtain provisional licences) and to find jobs without a licence, the group supervises their driving and counsels them on the importance of employment. The participants are all "at risk" youth who suffer social isolation, financial hardship or poor family support and also benefit from the volunteers' mentoring role.

Samantha Meyn, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Community Spirit ... Samantha Meyn.
Pride of Australia Medal: Community Spirit ... Samantha Meyn.

Samantha is the founder of the Harry Meyn Foundation, which she started with her husband after their 7 year old son passed away from an inoperable brain tumour. Samantha has spent the ensuing years raising money for the many charities that helped her family through this time. Recognising the need for a place where families could spend time together, she focused fundraising efforts to build a family retreat called Harry's House. Since its opening in 2012, Harry's House has provided refuge to many families undergoing hospital stays and treatments.


Taher Forotan, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Fair Go ... Dr Taher Forotan. Picture: Steve Pohlner
Pride of Australia Medal: Fair Go ... Dr Taher Forotan. Picture: Steve Pohlner

Taher Forotan helps new Australians suffering mental health issues resulting from their refugee experience or persecution in their homeland. A Hazara from central Afghanistan, Taher worked as a doctor in his war-torn country and was captured by the Taliban who forced him to treat their wounded before he fled to Australia by boat. Since his arrival, Taher has worked with the Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT), providing practical, emotional and psychological support for victims of torture and refugee-related trauma.

Matthew Chimu, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Fair Go ... Matthew Chimu.
Pride of Australia Medal: Fair Go ... Matthew Chimu.

19 year old Matthew is the first African born Adelaide resident to become a fully-fledged lifesaver after completing the On The Same Wave program just months after fleeing the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. On The Same Wave was established after Surf Life Saving Australia's National Coastal Safety Report found that 32 per cent of drowning victims were born overseas. Matthew is committed to helping new arrivals feel safe and comfortable in the water and has recently recruited four new migrants to join him at Henley Surf Life Saving Club this coming summer.

Abraham Ghawu, NT

Pride of Australia Medal: Fair Go ... Abraham Ghawu.
Pride of Australia Medal: Fair Go ... Abraham Ghawu.

Abraham Ghawu, originally from Cameroon, has overcome challenging situations and displacement to embrace his New Australian life with gusto, inspiring young people to be active participants in local and global issues. A quiet achiever of enormous dedication and passion, his influence in the community extends through volunteering, while continuing to balance work, study and other personal commitments. Abraham Ghawu's volunteering has encompassed: OzGreen,, R U OK Day, UN Youth NT, Multicultural Youth NT, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Student Representative Council, Casuarina Senior


Ronald McGlynn, Vic

Pride of Australia Medal: Inspiration ... Ronald McGlynn.
Pride of Australia Medal: Inspiration ... Ronald McGlynn.

More than 26 years ago, Ronald McGlynn transformed a pilot literacy program in a sheltered workshop into an essential literacy and numeracy program for adults diagnosed with an intellectual disability. He has been the driving force behind Karingal's Edlinks program, which serves about 120 adults students with mild, moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. Recognised as the most comprehensive accredited literacy course in Australia, Ron's program is underpinned by his belief that young adults with differing abilities should have equal access to quality education.

Jihad Dib, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Inspiration ... Jihad Dib.
Pride of Australia Medal: Inspiration ... Jihad Dib.

The significant improvement in absenteeism, morale and academic results at the Punchbowl Boys' High School over the past seven years is testament the dedication Jihad Dib has shown during his tenure as Principal. Appointed to the role of Principal at just 33, Jihad was one of the youngest principals in the state and his modern approach and drive has revolutionised the school and seen enrolments soar. Under his watchful eye, the school has been awarded a National Literacy and Numeracy Award and Director General's Award.

Mike Potter, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Inspiration ... Michael Potter.
Pride of Australia Medal: Inspiration ... Michael Potter.

Michael Potter spent 13 years working at a school in Kenya before returning to Australia in 2001. Now as the principal of Tyndale Christian School, Michael has fostered in his students a spirit of volunteering and runs yearly mission trips to two orphanages east of Kenya. These trips are purpose built to expose and educate young adults to the realities of life in a developing nation and to provide support for these disadvantaged communities. The school has now helped build a medical clinic and soccer field as well as provided funding for education fees and food expenses.


Jody Crisp, Vic

Pride of Australia Medal: Care and Compassion ... Jody Crisp (far right) with (from left) Neil Harvey Mary Deng-Crisp and Annabelle Tailby.
Pride of Australia Medal: Care and Compassion ... Jody Crisp (far right) with (from left) Neil Harvey Mary Deng-Crisp and Annabelle Tailby.

Foster carer Jody Crisp is just 35 years old but over the past 10 years she provided around-the-clock care to 45 children who were unable to live at home. This remarkable young woman has fostered most of these children in their vulnerable teenage years, encouraging them to keep up their schooling and to maintain their relationships with their families. Her passion for fostering has overcome the significant financial and personal costs she faced, and she has advocated on behalf of others for a superannuation scheme for all foster carers.

Annabel Pike, Qld

Pride of Australia Medal: Care and Compassion ... Annabel Pike. Picture: Darren England.
Pride of Australia Medal: Care and Compassion ... Annabel Pike. Picture: Darren England.

Due to her sporting and volunteer activity at school, Annabel Pike, 22, received early entry into a Bachelor of Nursing as part of her university's Early Achievers Program. In 2012 she was the Mater Hospital's Graduate Nurse of the Year, Australia's Outstanding Graduate Nurse in May and won an Excellence Award in Palliative Care. And she has achieved this despite being profoundly deaf. Annabel also volunteers for the Hear and Say Centre (helping deaf children) and the Pyjama Angels Foundation (supporting foster families), having raised $25,000.

Karen Robinson, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Care and Compassion ... Karen Robinson.
Pride of Australia Medal: Care and Compassion ... Karen Robinson.

Karen Robinson has dedicated the past thirty years of her life to foster more than 200 children. She began fostering children at 23, spurred on by the need to create a safe and supportive home environment for children who needed it most. Sharing the story of a young 10 year old charge that arrived in her care as an elective mute, Karen describes how the simple act of opening her door changed his life as he began to speak again. More than two decades later, Karen's foremost dream is to build a house where she can continue to provide care to those who need it.


Tim Hannan, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Outstanding Bravery ... Tim Hannan.
Pride of Australia Medal: Outstanding Bravery ... Tim Hannan.

On August 27, 2011, Tim Hannan was at Maroubra cliffs when he witnessed a man fall 20m off the cliff face. With little regard for his own safety, Tim quickly scaled down the cliffs, swam out in rough conditions and dragged the man back to safety on a nearby rock shelf. Tim administered first aid, helping to stem the bleeding, while waiting for help to arrive. Once the man was winched to safety, Tim then scaled back up the cliff face himself, rather than risk the helicopter having to hoist him up so close to the cliff face.

Peter Browne, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Outstanding Bravery ... Peter Browne.
Pride of Australia Medal: Outstanding Bravery ... Peter Browne.

On May 31, 2013, Peter Browne saved three year old twins and their father from their burning home. While on duty as a Postman, Peter noticed smoke coming from a house on his rounds and quickly went to provide assistance. He located a ladder with the help of a neighbour and rescued the twins from an upstairs balcony before the house was quickly engulfed in flames. His quick response and selfless thinking averted certain tragedy.

Nicholas Bompas, Vic

Pride of Australia Medal: Outstanding Bravery ... Nicolas Bompas.
Pride of Australia Medal: Outstanding Bravery ... Nicolas Bompas.

While travelling along the Surf Coast highway, Nicolas Bompas, his wife Margaret and their two children witnessed an accident where a four-wheel drive flipped on its side and skidded after a collision with a van. Without hesitation, Nicolas stopped and went to the aid of the young woman trapped in the 4WD, climbing on the side of the vehicle helping to calm the woman and free her from the wreckage. Despite the risk to his own safety, Nicolas worked to free the woman and carried her away from the accident scene moments before the 4WD exploded. He stayed with the young woman, comforting her and administering first aid until help arrived.


Cooper Woods, NSW

Pride of Australia Medal: Child of Courage ... Cooper Woods.
Pride of Australia Medal: Child of Courage ... Cooper Woods.

In March 2013 at Nethercote Falls, a 14 year old girl slipped while attempting to jump off the falls and was knocked unconscious against the rocks. Without hesitation, 12 year old Cooper jumped off the waterfall, brought the young girl to surface and held her head above water until an adult arrived. The girl was flown out of the area and sustained a fractured eye socket, broken ribs, two broken arms and a badly cut leg. Cooper's brave actions saved her from drowning.

Elliott Jackson, WA

Pride of Australia Medal: Child of Courage ... Elliott Jackson.
Pride of Australia Medal: Child of Courage ... Elliott Jackson.

Elliott was bodyboarding with his father and brother when his father, Stuart, was hit by a wave and crushed against a sandbank. The hit instantly ruptured his father's posterior ligament and paralysed him, rendering him unable to move and face down in the water. Elliott, just 12, dove to the bottom, pulled Stuart to the surface and secured him on a bodyboard. Constantly checking his father's pulse, Elliott managed to get him to shore where he was resuscitated after losing consciousness. Elliott's immediate bravery and calmness under pressure ultimately saved his father's life.

Riley Poole, SA

Pride of Australia Medal: Child of Courage ... Riley Poole.
Pride of Australia Medal: Child of Courage ... Riley Poole.

While volunteering for the Surf Life Saving Patrol at Semaphore Beach, Riley helped rescue a group of teenagers after their jetting jumping adventure went horribly wrong. After being alerted to the stranded teenagers, Riley paddled out to the side of the jetty where he found three teenagers clinging to barnacle covered pylons, bleeding and being battered by waves. After paddling two boys to shore, Riley doubled back to retrieve the third teenager before realising a further two teenagers were in trouble. His heroic actions that day saved five teenagers, earning him his lifesaving stripes.

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