
Melissa Caddick’s husband Anthony Koletti trying to earn money making music

Anthony Koletti has turned to music — with lyrics alluding to his fraudster wife Melissa Caddick’s disappearance — as a way to make money as he fights the courts for her assets.

Melissa Caddick's husband Anthony Koletti speaks inside her office

His wife Melissa Caddick has disappeared and so has a great deal of money but Anthony Koletti probably shouldn’t pin hopes of restoring his fortunes through music.

In fact, it’s more likely his tunes will be played in court than by Spotify listeners.

For two years, Mr Koletti has told the Federal Court the publicity around his wife’s disappearance and theft of investors’ money has meant he can’t get a gig as a hairdresser.

His luxury cars are gone and he faces being kicked out of the Dover Heights mansion, although this week he did lodge a clam for as much as $20 million in seized possessions to be returned.

Meanwhile, the only things he can turn to for an income are casual hairdressing jobs and a few dollars off his music career. And that’s likely just a few dollars. As DJ “Paws Off”, Spotify lists him as only having 268 monthly listeners.

Anthony Koletti with his wife Melissa Caddick before her disappearance. Picture: Supplied/7News
Anthony Koletti with his wife Melissa Caddick before her disappearance. Picture: Supplied/7News

Worse, his music will land him in court.

One recent release in particular gave the police and the Australian Securities and ­Investments Commission some cause for concern.

Anthony Koletti’s songs on Spotify.
Anthony Koletti’s songs on Spotify.

The catchily-titled Intelligence Artificial takes aim at ASIC.

“My wife died as a direct result of an ASIC investigation,” he raps over a music beat.

The cover of that song is believed to be a shadowy picture of Melissa Caddick being interviewed by ASIC at her home the day of the raid.

ASIC then asked police for an AVO to protect its investigator. When the AVO first went before a court in February Mr Koletti flagged he would be defending the matter and that he did not consent to an order being made.

Mr Koletti, around the same time, allegedly put a poster on a wall at ASIC’s headquarters calling them “woman slaughterers”.

Koletti’s song Intelligence Artificial on Spotify.
Koletti’s song Intelligence Artificial on Spotify.
The “womanslaughter” sign placed at the ASIC headquarters.
The “womanslaughter” sign placed at the ASIC headquarters.
Koletti says he’s struggled financially since his wife disappeared.
Koletti says he’s struggled financially since his wife disappeared.

It just so happened to be the anniversary of Melissa Caddick’s disappearance.

The poster stunt came at the same time as Mr Koletti allegedly posted a barrage of insults aimed at the corporate regulator on LinkedIn.

In one Google review ­allegedly left by Mr Koletti he said the watchdog “caused the death of my wife”.

In other posts on Mr Kol­etti’s LinkedIn profile he claimed the investigators “took any proof of her disappearance with them” and that they “directly caused the death of my wife”.

Other songs published under Mr Koletti’s moniker Paws Off made similar claims about ASIC’s role in the downfall of his wife.

Artificial Intelligence was his first release since his album Raid, which he put out the day the AFP and ASIC searched their home.

The cover image of Koletti’s song Raid.
The cover image of Koletti’s song Raid.
ASIC raid on Melissa Caddick’s home just before her disappearance. Picture: NSW Police
ASIC raid on Melissa Caddick’s home just before her disappearance. Picture: NSW Police

The cover image is Melissa’s Asic shoe and it contains songs such as Melissa Is Missing and Turn Your Bodycam Off. Melissa’s foot was later found washed up on a beach in that same shoe.

Over house music beats he raps: “You allowed a greedy (investigator) from a large corporation to interrogation (sic) our family for 14 hours.”

In others he mimics the voice of police at the raid ­admiring Melissa’s belongings. Mr Koletti walked into Melissa’s life in 2014 a humble hairdresser, finding a divorced single mother with the world and millions of dollars in her sights.

She had recently upgraded from Kensington to Dover Heights, to a younger companion and was at the height of her powers.

Mr Koletti, on the other hand, was cutting hair and ­became so smitten with the fraudster that he gave almost all of his income to Caddick and her son.

Anthony Koletti is trying to earn money through his music.
Anthony Koletti is trying to earn money through his music.

He described himself as a “home maker” and “a parent” in their six-year relationship.

To this day he remains the sole carer of Melissa’s teenage son, who he has provided for since he was young.

As recently as October Mr Koletti said he believed he was not a victim of his wife, but that if he was, he would be the biggest victim of all.

Some of those belongings Mr Koletti is trying to get back, including her Gucci wedding dress, jewellery, property and luxury cars.

Court documents this week also revealed that of the $77,265 he earned over three years he gave $56,280 to his fraudster wife.

But while his musical stylings may not be to everyone’s taste, it seems his hair stylings could be a way forward.

A former client of Mr Koletti described him as a “really good hairdresser” who she used to request when she visited Joh Bailey in Bondi.

“He was just kind of cute and bubbly and friendly,” she said.

“He was a really good hairdresser. It was a real shock to see him wrapped up in this.”

She said she had not seen him for several years until Caddick’s disappearance.

“It was funny, I heard his voice on the news and saw this plea from this man looking for his wife, saying: ‘You’re not in any trouble, just come home’.

“Then they said his name and I looked closer and ­realised it was him.

“I never ever thought for a moment that he had anything to do with her disappearance.”

Another former client, who Koletti used to visit with his mobile hairdressing business, said he was devoted to his wife.

“He would talk about her all the time, they did everything together,” she said.

Read related topics:Melissa Caddick

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