Singling out your best talent for recognition in the workplace can go horribly wrong if the rest of your staff see it as a zero-sum game, with one winner and multiple losers. The result can be resentment, even malicious envy, where losers try to bring down winners.
What makes us so envious of other people that we set out to bring them down? That’s a question HR managers should ask more often if they want their rewards and recognition practices to be constructive rather than destructive.
It’s also a question that has attracted the interest of organisational behaviourists like me. But the research in this area is so focused on envy that it made me question if people ever respond to success in any other way — and, of course, they do.
Using positive empathy can improve workplace relations and enhance performance. Getty.
No man is an island, poet John Donne once said, and these days, no one works alone. If that is true, why pit employees against one another in a constant battle for rewards and recognition? Instead, why not encourage people to see outstanding individual efforts as achievements that they too can celebrate, emulate and contribute to?
I’m interested in discovering how organisations can use positive empathy to improve workplace relations and incentivise performance without unleashing the destructive power of envy. While organisational behaviourists have conducted little research into positive empathy in the workplace – a situation I am trying to correct – the evidence from psychology supports its great potential for motivating teams at work.
From pain to pleasure
An important insight from psychology is that positive empathy – the ability to celebrate rather than denigrate a colleague’s success – requires a capacity to take the perspective of others.
Psychologists distinguish two types of envy that both involve pain: malicious envy, where you feel personal pain at another’s success and work to undermine them; and benign envy, where you feel similar pain but resolve to lift your own performance to not lose status.
Benign envy is clearly preferable to malicious envy, but it’s still centred on feeling pain, whereas a more valuable response in the age of teamwork is the social, outward-focused emotion of positive empathy, which involves no pain at all – just happiness for another.
Avoiding harmful rewards
So how can organisations encourage positive empathy in their workforce? We’re entering unexplored territory here, but the first step is to eliminate practices that encourage envy.
The most obvious culprit here is a zero-sum reward system that creates “winners” and “losers” and triggers social comparison, the breeding ground for envy, in colleagues who interpret a peer’s success as a personal loss.
Managers also need to be consistent in how they treat their subordinates. While some differentiation between subordinates might be unavoidable, too much breeds envy in the less favoured. These employees might try to bring down the “teacher’s pets”.
Managers need to note the sense of justice that most people have, too. It revolves around fairness and whether a reward is deserved and appropriate. Violations can provoke moral outrage.
Much negative feeling towards high achievers can be avoided by communicating clearly and widely why they’ve been selected for special mention and why it is fair to reward and celebrate them.
Managers can further minimise envy by explaining how unrecognised people can achieve success. You could create a mentoring program, for example, to encourage learning from high performers, which gives people a sense of control over their ability to win recognition.
In trying to promote positive empathy in the workplace, it’s important to recognise that we aren’t all equal in our capacity to empathise positively with others – so, be tolerant, patient and persistent in your efforts.
Explaining to unrecognised employees how to achieve success encourages constant improvement. Getty.
Different perspectives
You build positive empathy when you nurture a sense of collective identity within a group, perhaps through team-building exercises, social events that promote shared values and organisational routines.
You can also structure work groups and tasks in a way that encourages perspective-taking – that is, the ability to see things from another person’s point of view.
You can even consider training people in how to express themselves and listen and interact with others, which, the psychology literature says, has promoted perspective-taking and positive empathy in a range of professional groups.
The next challenge for me, as an early researcher in this area of organisational behaviour, is to develop a way to measure positive empathy in the workplace and clarify its effects on important organisational outcomes.
With teamwork now the norm in most workplaces, I’m hoping to get access to data for this purpose from companies that can see the benefits of creating a culture of positive empathy and commit themselves to creating it.
By Deshani B. Ganegoda, an associate professor of management at Melbourne Business School.This content has been produced by Melbourne Business School in commercial partnership with AFR.