
This CEO found himself in the NT with a billionaire’s son. It didn’t go so well

This CEO found himself in the NT with a billionaire’s son. It didn’t go so well

Estia chief Sean Bilton has gone through the worst of times in the aged-care sector, but is as committed as ever to a business that makes a difference.

In his early 20s, Sean Bilton was not sure where he would end up. But it probably wasn’t going to be anywhere near the agricultural sector.

At the time Bilton, who in July was appointed chief executive of aged care provider Estia Health, was working for the now disbanded investment manager AMP Capital in a team charged with selling assets.


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Sally Patten
Sally PattenBOSS editorSally Patten edits BOSS, and writes about workplace issues. She was the financial services editor and personal finance editor of the AFR, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. She edited business news for The Times of London. Connect with Sally on Twitter. Email Sally at

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