
How these executives slashed meetings

How these executives slashed meetings

The Australian division of a fast-moving consumer goods company eliminated 25,000 hours of meetings across its 130 staff over a 12-month period.

Matt Heine, joint managing director of listed wealth management company Netwealth, wanted to maintain the lifestyle benefits of working from home and avoid burnout.

The top brass at Reckitt, the fast-moving consumer goods company behind brands such as Nurofen, Strepsils, Dettol and Mortein, was motivated by a desire for staff to spend time on more fruitful activities such as coaching, mentoring and volunteering, in line with the company’s purpose.


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Sally Patten
Sally PattenBOSS editorSally Patten edits BOSS, and writes about workplace issues. She was the financial services editor and personal finance editor of the AFR, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. She edited business news for The Times of London. Connect with Sally on Twitter. Email Sally at

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