February 2024
‘We’ve gone soft’: Labor old guard backs Keating
Chairman Tony Shepherd has backed Paul Keating’s sentiment that “we have gone soft” but billionaire Gerry Harvey says Keating is living in the past.
February 2024
Paul Keating’s critics could not be more wrong on AUKUS
It’s the former PM who understands that the world has changed, and we can no longer take American power for granted to keep Asia stable and Australia safe.
Keating’s quaint defence of Australia doesn’t grasp regional power politics
Labor has put aside two absurd features of the Keating era: a defence policy designed to deal with direct invasion and the diminution of our US alliance
Keating ‘on the money’ on super funds appointing directors
It is a “logical next step” for industry superannuation funds to seek roles on listed company boards, industry experts say, especially in the energy sector.
Keating’s list of business greats spans miners and property moguls
Keith Campbell, Rod Carnegie and Marius Kloppers were all praised by the prime minister who oversaw a period of great change in the Australian economy.
Why Keating says he was lucky to avoid university
The former prime minister believed he needed more than a deep knowledge of one subject to pursue his ambitious reform plan.
At 80, Keating keeps throwing down the gauntlet
Not everyone will agree with the former PM on AUKUS. Yet all should agree that a more independent security posture would not be sustainable if Australia continued to squander its opportunity of prosperity.
Langton says Keating was ‘right’ on the Voice
The Indigenous leader said the former PM was right about the Voice being “a mistake from the start” and that a legislated body should have been established before a referendum.
Tax commissioner says 47pc rate fuels tax minimisation
Chris Jordan says Australia’s top tax rate is encouraging people to minimise tax through trusts and companies, as Paul Keating argues a rate above 39 per cent is “confiscatory”.
Keating: It’s not just his age, Biden’s party lost the working class
The Democratic Party’s political problem is that it has lost touch with the concerns of ordinary working Americans, former prime minister Paul Keating says.
The Voice was a ‘mistake from the start’
Former prime minister Paul Keating is calling for an Aboriginal legislated body to build on the gains of native title.
It’s time for Australia to break out of its ‘timidity’: Keating
At the age of 80, Paul Keating urges Australia to be bolder, to reassess its links with Britain and the US and its failure to reconcile with Indigenous peoples.