
Rear Window

Bryce Corbett

News Corp editors back home, jobs intact - but are there changes afoot?

The boys are back in town! Following our item last week about a handful of Rupert Murdoch's Aussie newspaper editors being summoned to Los Angeles to throw themselves prostrate at the feet of the boss man and account for themselves, we're pleased to report they're all back in town: relatively unscathed (if you don't count psychological scars, of course).

Uncharacteristically for the wily ol' media mogul, no one appears to have lost their job in the process. At least not yet. Not even the write down of Australian newspapers to the tune of $US310 million in parent company News Corp's full-year results last week appears to have prompted Rupert to wield the axe.

Bryce Corbett co-writes The Australian Financial Review's Rear Window column. He is a journalist with more than 20 years' experience. He lives in Brisbane and Sydney. Connect with Bryce on Twitter. Email Bryce at

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