
How do you make money from buying a pub?

How do you make money from buying a pub?

Venues in major metropolitan areas and even some in regional and coastal towns have changed hands at eye-watering prices since reopening after the pandemic lockdowns ended.

The $160 million sale of the Crossroads Hotel  in Casula in early 2022 to former Sydney lord mayor Nelson Meers stunned many investors by setting a national record for a freehold pub, achieving a price more commonly seen with a major office tower, large shopping mall or logistics facility.

But the big money sale of the large-format venue in Sydney’s south-west, which readers may recall as the focal point of a major COVID-19 outbreak in July 2020, was no flash in the pan.


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Larry Schlesinger
Larry SchlesingerReporterLarry Schlesinger writes on real estate, specialising in commercial and residential property. Larry is based in our Melbourne newsroom. Connect with Larry on Twitter. Email Larry at

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