March 2024
US pledges $1.28b for ASX rare earths stocks
Washington’s desire to break China’s stranglehold on the global rare earths industry has prompted it to pledge funding to two ASX rare earths aspirants.
October 2023
Tolga Kumova joins Pilbara lithium frenzy
The resources investor is the biggest backer of micro-cap Industrial Minerals, which has stuck a deal allowing it to extract lithium from Pilbara tenements.
February 2023
Kumova has partial win over Swami in injunction claim
Tolga Kumova’s application for a permanent injunction against an ‘obsessed’ and ‘irrational’ defendant was not granted in full.
January 2023
Courtside stars at Australian Open women’s final
Don’t believe the critics. There was no lack of star power at the 2023 Australian Open Women’s Final.
Stock Swami leaves a dirty stain on citizen journalism
Tolga Kumova’s comprehensive defamation victory against Alan Davison, also known as Stock Swami, in the Federal Court, puts citizen journalists on notice.
December 2022
‘I’ve won the war’: Stock Swami declares early victory against Kumova
A spokesperson for Tolga Kumova has shot back at ‘baseless assertions’ on social media by defamation defendant Alan Davison.
July 2022
The Stock Swami case could be Twitter’s moment of truth
The social media giant is at the centre of a Sydney court case that could provide guidance on its role as a platform for those commenting on public companies.
May 2022
Stock Swami has new, media-savvy lawyers
The legal firm started by ex-senator Nick Xenophon and senior journalist Mark Davis will represent the penny stock commentator in court next month.
December 2021
Kumova, Stock Swami defamation battle takes another twist
The legal teams of the defendant known as ‘Stock Swami’ and mining entrepreneur Tolga Kumova have clashed again.
October 2021
Gascoyne shareholders get buyer’s remorse over Firefly deal
A significant chunk of Gascoyne Resources shareholders want the company to dump its planned merger with Firefly and join with Westgold instead.
September 2021
Tolga Kumova still digging for defo case
His latest subpoena captures Perth-based ex-Merrill Lynch financier Stephen Dobson.
July 2021
Judge orders Stock Swami to disclose mole’s name
The stakes are rising in a bruising defamation battle between two social media stars refusing to give an inch.
October 2020
Stock Swami's lawyers say Tolga Kumova started it
In his defence, filed earlier this week, Kiwi-based Alan Davison, who owns the Stock Swami account, accused Kumova of giving as good as he got.
Alan Jones sues over SBS send-off
Jones alleges that a retirement tribute by SBS' The Feed defamed him by its portrayal of him as a racist, a misogynist, a liar, and a paedophile.
Mineral sands explorer Perpetual Resources launches placement
Mineral explorer Perpetual Resources is seeking funds to help it finance a pre-feasibility study for its Western Australian mineral sands project.
September 2020
Tolga Kumova files suit against Twitter account
The former Young Rich Lister has taken action against the Twitter account's owner, and doesn't appear to have been mollified by an apology.
July 2020
The executives building fortunes from gold's dazzling run
A number of mining executives are getting paper rich off the back of the soaring gold price.
September 2019
Tolga Kumova still buying New Century
Instagram miner Tolga Kumova has been telling everyone that New Century's shorters are about to get smashed.
July 2019
Tolga Kumova, poorer on paper, parties in Mykonos
For a while there, the hottest investment strategy around was to simply buy whatever he did.
Credit Suisse still reliably bullish on Syrah
Credit Suisse has taken the lion's share of roughly $25 million in raising costs.