November 2024
New Optus boss promises company ‘reset’ after horror two years
The incoming CEO says he will draw on a decade of experience at the national broadband network to focus on customer service amid tight household budgets.
- Jenny Wiggins and Paul Smith
May 2024
- Opinion
- Chanticleer
Fresh meat in the Optus sandwich promised a helping hand
Optus and its owner, Singtel, have made governance changes to try to make the incoming CEO’s job easier. We’ll wait to see the proof.
- Anthony Macdonald
November 2023
- Exclusive
- Executive pay
These 32 public servants earn more than $1m
Finance Minister Katy Gallagher has warned the boards of government-owned businesses they must show restraint on pay and bonuses, amid a new round of high salaries.
- Updated
- Michael Read and Tom McIlroy
May 2023
NBN boss defiant on price rises
The ACCC found that NBN’s proposed increase in access charges on the standard 50Mbps wholesale service is reasonable, Stephen Rue told a telecoms conference.
- Lucas Baird
March 2023
Internet providers hope NBN job cuts signal pricing rethink
Retailers say the NBN may revisit its controversial pricing proposal to more effectively compete against alternatives after cutting one in 10 jobs this week.
- Lucas Baird
- Updated
- Telecommunications
NBN Co braces for sweeping job cuts
The broadband network operator has informed staff this afternoon that it will cut up to 500 jobs from its 4650-strong workforce.
- Lucas Baird
December 2022
NBN writes off recovering $31b invested to build network
The government-owned company said it would no longer seek to recover the full $44 billion sunk into the initial build and would only claw back $12.5 billion.
- Lucas Baird
September 2022
NBN’s Brad Whitcomb switches sides
The outgoing NBN Co chief customer officer must be sick of playing the bad guy.
- Lucas Baird
August 2022
- Updated
- Consumer spending
Cost relief on the way as NBN offers cheaper internet
Businesses and consumers could soon start paying less for internet as the NBN looks to dump capacity charges and drop the prices of its fastest plans.
- Updated
- Lucas Baird and John Kehoe
- Opinion
- Chanticleer
NBN’s chance to rethink its strategy
NBN Co has published 2022 financial results showing a surge in cash flow and EBITDA. But its closely watched revenue per user is going nowhere, and that presents an opportunity for CEO Stephen Rue.
- Tony Boyd
NBN argues for pricing ‘balance’, analysts tip price rises
NBN Co boss Stephen Rue has poured cold water on suggestions his revamped pricing proposal will be radically different to an earlier submission to regulators.
- Lucas Baird
July 2022
- Opinion
- Chanticleer
Minister’s sensible reset of NBN economics
Investment bankers hoping for a multibillion dollar privatisation of NBN Co will be disappointed with Michelle Rowland’s first major move as communications minister.
- Tony Boyd
September 2021
Telcos say NBN ‘profiteering’ with slack lockdown relief
The CEOS of major internet providers say the current relief system fails to appropriately offset the increased data demand during lockdowns or provide cost certainty.
- Lucas Baird
August 2021
NBN Co wheels back forecast period
NBN Co will no longer issue multi-year financial forecasts in its annual corporate plan, fearing litigation from private lenders if it misses its targets.
- Lucas Baird
- Opinion
- Chanticleer
NBN turns opaque on financial disclosure
NBN is increasingly restricting the amount of financial information it shares with the public and this raises questions about the efficiency of its operating and capital expenditure.
- Tony Boyd
- Updated
- Earnings season
Stalled NBN Co revenue per user threatens budget
While the company lifted revenue, a sharp rise in connected premises chewed into the key per user metric better known as ARPU.
- Updated
- Lucas Baird
May 2021
NBN Co on track to hit FY21 targets
NBN Co posted $3.5 billion of revenue in the nine months to the end of March – a more than 20 per cent surge on the prior corresponding period.
- Lucas Baird
March 2021
- Updated
- Telecommunications
Telstra will have to go further to buy NBN
‘To contemplate a business combination with NBN at a future point in time, it would probably require a more substantive delinking of InfraCo Fixed and the Telstra Group.’
- Updated
- Lucas Baird
February 2021
‘Outrageous’: NBN Co on notice over $80m in bonuses
Communications Minister Paul Fletcher’s office contacted the government-owned telco over the 2020 payments on Thursday.
- Tom McIlroy
NBN Co paid staff almost $80m in bonuses in 2020
Labor has slammed the company building the national broadband network over lavish bonuses and called on the Morrison government to explain.
- Tom McIlroy