
Sam Altman


Ilya Sutskever is promising to build superintelligence safely.

OpenAI co-founder’s new company promises safe ‘superintelligence’

Last year, Ilya Sutskever tried to force out OpenAI boss Sam Altman. Now he has a new company, aiming to build a machine that is more intelligent than humans – safely.

  • Cade Metz
Apple boss Tim Cook has spurred hopes that the tech giant’s AI strategy will spur an iPhone upgrade cycle.

Investors give a belated cheer to Apple’s AI foray

The tech giant’s strategy unveil has pushed its share price to records this week. But, in the background, safety and privacy concerns are also rising.

  • Karen Maley


“It’s still a bit surprising to me that it’s real,” OpenAI co-founder and chief executive Sam Altman wrote in a blog post after the announcement of the company’s latest AI development.

‘Like AI from the movies:’ New ChatGPT arrives

The launch was not without some snags: after coaching a researcher through solving an algebra problem, it said: “Wow, that’s quite the outfit you’ve got on.”

  • Paul Smith


Elon Musk.

How soon will machines outsmart us? Biggest brains in AI can’t agree

Elon Musk’s prediction that artificial intelligence will surpass human experts by 2025 sets him apart from rivals at OpenAI, Google and Meta.

  • George Hammond
A security gate at the OpenAI offices in San Francisco.

How tech giants cut corners to harvest data for AI

The race to lead AI has become a desperate hunt for the digital data needed to advance the technology. To obtain it, tech companies including OpenAI, Google and Meta have cut corners, ignored corporate policies and debated bending the law.

  • Cade Metz, Cecilia Kang, Sheera Frenkel, Stuart A. Thompson and Nico Grant


Sam Altman, was briefly ousted from his role heading OpenAI because his ambitious plans for developing and utilising artificial intelligence raised concerns among members of the board.

Elon Musk sues OpenAI, Altman for breaching founding mission

The lawsuit argues that OpenAI’s close relationship with Microsoft has undermined its original mission of creating open-source technology.

  • Saritha Rai


Sam Altman’s AI chip project could require raising as much as $US7 trillion.

AI hype has echoes of the telecoms boom and bust

The tech transformation may take years longer than suggested by the record share prices and funding targets.

  • June Yoon


Dryden Brown wants Praxis to be a crypto-city for tech bros and tastemakers. Just don’t ask for details.

Who would give this guy millions to build his own utopia?

Dryden Brown wants Praxis to be a crypto-city for tech bros and tastemakers. Just don’t ask for details.

  • Joseph Bernstein
Elon Musk is among the tech billionaires redefining what is acceptable corporate conduct.

Will Elon Musk and Sam Altman redefine the rules for corporate bosses?

Other executives can only look on with astonishment, and perhaps a little envy, at the behaviour that’s tolerated from some billionaire tech entrepreneurs.

  • Karen Maley
  • Analysis
  • AI
Here’s what and who will be making business news in 2024.

The AI revolution’s first year: has anything changed?

Whether generative AI turns out to be as revolutionary as boosters claim, or merely a useful addition to the IT arsenal, should start to become clearer in 2024.

  • Richard Waters

December 2023

Sam Altman’s overwhelming support is unusual.

Why OpenAI staff lobbied for Sam Altman’s return

The head of the company behind ChatGPT has shown the world he’s an exceptional leader.

  • Shirin Ghaffary
AI is coming to the professional services sector at a rate of knots.

Fear and money: How the AI fuse was lit

The people who were most afraid of the risks of artificial intelligence decided they should be the ones to build it. Then distrust fuelled a spiralling competition.

  • Cade Metz, Karen Weise, Nico Grant and Mike Isaac

November 2023

Helen Toner in May cautioned against over-relying on AI chatbots, saying there was “still a lot we don’t know” about them.

Ousted Australian OpenAI director breaks silence on Altman chaos

Helen Toner said board members who sacked Altman weren’t trying to slow down AI development and hinted more would come out about what had happened.

  • Nick Bonyhady
  • Exclusive
  • AI

Australian AI star plans US shift as battle for humanity heats up

Start-up Akin has been struggling to close its $US50 million funding round, while staying true to its goal of building an ethical AI.

  • John Davidson

New OpenAI board, Altman and Microsoft will sing in perfect harmony

Microsoft could have had the tech bargain of all time in OpenAI, but walked away with something even better.

  • John Davidson
Sam Altman speaks at a forum in Melbourne last year.

Why the battle over Open AI matters to everyone

It’s vital that the dual governance structure along which Open AI and Sam Altman fractured is preserved for future investment.

  • Updated
  • Daniel Stone
Sam Altman.

Sam Altman, OpenAI in talks on his possible return

Discussions are happening between Sam Altman and at least one board member, Adam D’Angelo, and also involve some of OpenAI’s investors.

  • Updated
  • Ashlee Vance, Ed Ludlow and Emily Chang
Apple pioneer Steve Jobs was the driving force behind the company’s push into digital music,.

The long shadow of Steve Jobs looms over the turmoil at OpenAI

One of the most persistent tech cliches is of the visionary founder – who can reach into the future, break off a piece and make it into something the masses adore.

  • David Streitfeld

OpenAI chaos will transform Silicon Valley’s MO

Regardless of whether Sam Altman returns to the helm of OpenAI, the events of the past week will change Silicon Valley’s idea of acceptable management practices.

  • Karen Maley
Sam Altman was sensationally pushed out of OpenAI last week.

OpenAI faces growing revolt over Sam Altman’s sacking

More than 700 of the AI firm’s roughly 770 employees signed a letter demanding Sam Altman’s reinstatement.

  • Updated
  • Cade Metz, Tripp Mickle and Mike Isaac

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