
Jason Clare

This Month

The University of Queensland’s chancellor has backed caps on international students.

Overseas students cap will protect integrity of universities: Varghese

While the university sector reels from a raft of measures designed to limit net migration, there is growing support for caps on overseas student numbers.

  • Julie Hare
Caps on foreign student numbers could devastate the economy, say university leaders.

Teal MPs seek softening of foreign student cap laws

Legislation to cap the number of international students will be debated this week – even as visa numbers are in dramatic decline.

  • Julie Hare


Dr Alison Barnes, National President, National Tertiary Education Union.

Unis should face inquiry into $380m in underpayments: academics’ union

Universities are the worst underpayers of staff across the economy and now the academics’ union wants a federal inquiry.

  • Julie Hare
Universities are to come under much stricter government controls.

Government moves to snatch control of students away from universities

The Albanese government is stepping into interventionist mode, planning to say how many students can study at a particular university and in what courses.

  • Julie Hare
Dr Abul Rizvi told the National Press Club that an entrance exam would ensure high quality international students.

Set an ATAR-style uni entrance score for foreign students: Rizvi

If international students had to get a minimum grade to win a place – as domestic applicants already have to – fewer would be able to rort the visa system.

  • Julie Hare
Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil detailed a further tightening this week to limit visitors to Australia applying for student visas while here.

Why the government is desperate to cut immigration

There are many reasons for Australia’s inadequate housing supply, but a population jumping by 2.5 per cent a year obviously compounds the immediate problem.

  • Jennifer Hewett


Former president Donald Trump in court during the trial.

Trump verdict reveals deep US divisions: Dutton

Political leaders emphasised the strength of ties between Australia and the United States in the wake of the guilty verdict in Donald Trump’s election interference case.

  • Tom McIlroy
The gender pay gap is baked into Australia’s labour market, with men out-earning women just months after graduating from university.

Female graduates beat males on all fronts – except salary

The gender pay gap is reducing – slowly – over time. But women who graduate at the same time as men can still expect to earn significantly less.

  • Julie Hare
Executives at some of Australia’s most prestigious universities have hit back over the crackdown on foreign student numbers.

International students show our statecraft missing in action

Educating the region’s high-flyers is a major source of soft power for Australia. But we are in danger of taking it for granted.

  • Susannah Patton
Peter Coaldrake says university governing bodies need to be tougher on their vice-chancellors.

Failure to rein in uni bosses led to problems of ‘excess’

Peter Coaldrake has been deeply involved in the university sector for five decades, the past four years as head regulator. And he is troubled by what is going on.

  • Julie Hare
International students have become a “political plaything” and the sector is under threat, experts warn.

One in, one out: Dutton plan ‘risks $48b foreign student industry’

Peter Dutton’s promise to reduce temporary migration to 160,000 people would smash the country’s fourth-largest export sector, experts say.

  • Julie Hare

Migration hit would ‘destroy’ $48b education export sector

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s plan to slash Australia’s annual permanent migrant intake from 185,000 to 140,000 would deliver a near fatal blow to the country’s fourth-largest export.

  • Julie Hare
How the government will double the number of university students is not clear.

Double Aussie uni student numbers? The question is still how

A flurry of higher education announcements ahead of the budget didn’t get to the crux of Jason Clare’s big ambition. Neither did the budget.

  • Julie Hare
Theo Farrell Vice- Chancellor La Trobe University Theo Farrell Vice- La Trobe University vice chancellor Theo Farrell.

Free courses to boost the chances of uni hopefuls

Universities and students have been the target for a mixed bag of measures that seek to expand domestic student places while curtailing international enrolments.

  • Julie Hare
Maya Crossfield graduated from a humanities degree but can’t afford to take on a postgraduate degree due to student debt.

‘I just need an actual job’: No relief for students in debt nightmare

The biggest contributor to student debt is a scheme called Job Ready Graduates. But it doesn’t look like there will be any reprieve in the budget.

  • Julie Hare
International students are less welcome as a result of government migration reforms.

‘Horrible on every level’: Universities object to migration changes

Changes to limit the number of foreign students at educational colleges, universities and schools are highly interventionist and prescribe not only where students can study but what they can learn, providers said.

  • Updated
  • Julie Hare
Universities and colleges will have their number of international students capped under new legislation.

New laws to cap international student intakes

The federal government has stopped short of imposing a hard cap on international student numbers, but will introduce new limits for each provider.

  • Julie Hare
Hayley Creed has to undertake 19 weeks of unpaid placements during her degree to become a high school teacher.

The students to get Labor’s new ‘prac payment’, and who misses out

Too strict means-testing would make the federal government’s newly announced prac payment for university and TAFE students out of reach.

  • Julie Hare
Midwifery students will be among those to receive a weekly payment during compulsory placements.

Labor to give teaching, nursing students $320 per week payment

Teaching, nursing, midwifery and social work students will receive a weekly payment to help offset the costs of mandatory placements.

  • Julie Hare
Around 3 million university and vocational students will get a $3 billion reprieve in the upcoming budget.

Labor to wipe $3b from students’ HECS debt

The government will cut the student debt of around 3 million students as cost-of-living pressures continue to create pain.

  • Julie Hare

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