This Month
Former ANU chancellor Gareth Evans slams university’s governance
Evans, who was also cabinet minister in the Hawke and Keating governments, has declared the Australian National University lacks competence and judgment.
November 2024
Trump’s foreign policy agenda a high-stakes guessing game
Donald Trump’s presidency is about to show up the contradictions in Australia’s defence spending and its domestic economy.
May 2024
Global crises making it hard for ethical investors: Gareth Evans
The former foreign minister nominated Israel’s “disproportionate” response to the Hamas attacks and Narendra Modi’s leadership of India as challenges for investors.
April 2024
Pezzullo takes first step to redemption
The former Home Affairs secretary admitted his mistakes and accepted his disgrace, and knows he will not be working with the Commonwealth for some time.
December 2023
Why Australia can’t rely on the US to save it from China
Former foreign minister Gareth Evans looks at the country’s options in relation to the dominant force in the region.
Gareth Evans: Can we rely on America to defend Australia?
The former Labor foreign minister does not hold back in an incisive analysis of the current co-ordinates of Australian foreign policy
October 2023
Vale Bill Hayden, a complex high achiever who helped shape Australia
Moody and often difficult, Bill Hayden played a major role ushering in reforms including Medicare, opening up the economy, and Australia’s engagement with Asia.
March 2023
Subs deal inevitable response to Beijing’s ‘bullying’
AUKUS is an understandable response to the threats China continues to make, says Chris Patten, the final governor of Hong Kong.
April 2022
Australia could take the lead in curbing global kleptocrats
An international anti-corruption court would stop rulers from pillaging their own nations. Leading the charge would also be good for Australia’s international reputation.
October 2021
Keating’s ‘steel fence across the top of Australia’ driven by China
Long before the current debate over the rise of Beijing, Paul Keating made his big strategic play.
August 2021
ANU spent $800k on Julie Bishop’s new office in Perth
We suppose it’s the least ANU could do for her, given the prestigious role pays well below her usual rates.
March 2021
Adler’s Rolodex draws a political crowd to Monash launch
True to form, the prominent publisher has once again commissioned several politicians to put pen to paper.
August 2020
Bernard Collaery: A warrior for democracy
Veteran lawyer at the centre of the sensational Witness K trial over allegations Australia bugged East Timor's government tells of his fight against the creep of 9/11-era national security laws.
May 2020
China's swoop on Hong Kong autonomy 'utterly offensive'
Several former foreign ministers have criticised Beijing for its proposed new laws aimed at silencing dissent.
How Australia can manage the undiplomatic moods of Beijing
'Tremble and obey' is China's idea of diplomacy at times. Politely explaining that we will do neither is the best course.
March 2020
We have to be hard-nosed about soft power in Asia
The winding down of aid to south-east Asia in the face of a rising China has cost us influence in a geopolitical cross-roads of our time.
February 2020
Porter on Jetstar strike threat: get back to the table
The Attorney-General took aim at both the budget airline and the Transport Workers Union over their bitter industrial battle, warning it could not come at a worse time.
August 2019
Julie Bishop to replace Gareth Evans as ANU chancellor
The former foreign minister will be the first female chancellor at the ANU.
July 2019
Crikey coy on Kernot revelation
It's not every day you see a media outlet run away from its own story.
May 2019
Exceptional strengths outweighed weaknesses
Consistency, focus and an openness to debate were the keys to Bob Hawke's consummate leadership, writes former Hawke government minister Gareth Evans.