
Andrew Mackenzie

October 2024

BHP chairman Ken MacKenzie in 2022. He is expected to announce his resignation next year.

Inside the contest to succeed Ken MacKenzie at the top of BHP

It has been one of the most coveted prizes in corporate life. The next chairman of the Big Australian will have profound influence on the entire market.

June 2023

BHP chief development officer Johan van Jaarsveld is in charge of the miner’s venture capital division.

BHP’s secret VC arm matches iron ore for returns

A trend for big companies to establish in-house venture capital teams has hit turbulence. Do early insights on disruptive trends justify their existence?

February 2023


This board director was so successful, BHP wouldn’t let him step down

Orica chairman and former BHP board stalwart Malcolm Broomhead is a straight talker, who knows the truth is rarely simple when it comes to climate and carbon.

September 2021

Under chief executive Mike Henry, BHP has parked the magical realism.

BHP moves goalposts on gender target

It’s straight out of the Westpac playbook for gender equality.

July 2021

Rio Tinto’s former vice-president of corporate relations Brad Haynes confronted by protesters outside the company’s Perth headquarters in June 2020.

From Rio Tinto to Teneo for Brad Haynes

I mean, where do you even start with this one?


March 2021

Former BHP chief Andrew Mackenzie will succeed Chad Holliday as chairman of Royal Dutch Shell

Andrew Mackenzie named new Shell chairman

The former BHP boss Andrew Mackenzie will succeed Chad Holliday as chairman of Shell, the oil giant announced.

June 2020

The site at Juukan Gorge before it was legally detonated by Rio Tinto.

Recriminations fly inside Rio Tinto

The vigorous finger pointing has begun.

January 2020


BHP's potash dream gets a green boost

Potash could help the mining giant demonstrate its commitment to practical solutions to the global climate challenge.

December 2019

Time for a change:  BHP "stretched me to the limits of my emotions and intelligence".

Stretched to the limit of my emotions: Andrew Mackenzie

In his final Australian interview as BHP's CEO, Andrew Mackenzie reflects on the pressures of final authority, the necessity of the profit motive and a post-BHP working life.

BHP boss Andrew Mackenzie says Australia is handling the climate debate 'quite well'.

Invest now to beat climate change, says departing BHP CEO

Andrew Mackenzie says Australia is juggling the climate trade-offs - between economic and political costs of acting too late or too early - 'quite well'.

The man behind the BHP productivity laser

2019 brought a glimpse of the real Andrew Mackenzie as BHP's chief executive decided to grasp the stinging nettle of 'social value'.

November 2019

Orica chief executive Alberto Calderon has 10 months to increase women in the company's senior leadership positions by 3 percentage points.

Orica's Alberto Calderon under gender pressure

Orica has set itself a hard, achievable target but CEO Alberto Calderon has entered a stretch period.

Woodside CEO Peter Coleman says he is  not waiting for the price fairies to make the case for his $40bn growth story

Coleman's year of the deal delayed

While his contests with partners continue, Woodside's anxious boss can now claim belated progress on the cornerstones of a $40 billion growth story.

Glencore chief Ivan Glasenberg.

Ivan Glasenberg visits Mike Henry, already

Glencore's chief diverted to Melbourne on Friday to visit his BHP counterparts.

Mike Henry's data-driven precision making makes him a perfect fit for BHP chairman Ken MacKenzie's view of what a modern CEO needs to be

Henry promises continuity with a twist

BHP's next boss has offered an opening narrative that echoes the contrasting strategies of both current and past chief executives.

Mike Henry has pledged to "accelerate" the miner's cost-cutting and productivity push.

'The job is not done': Henry to make BHP leaner

Mike Henry has vowed to 'accelerate' the resource giant's cost cutting and productivity campaign after winning the race for CEO.

Mackenzie the man who cut BHP down to size

Andrew Mackenzie's shrinking-to-greatness strategy has transformed BHP, and his commitment to social issues has redefined the miner's place in the world.

BHP Group chief executive Andrew Mackenzie is proud of the fact BHP is the lowest cost iron producer in the world.

Mike Henry is the right person for the new BHP

Outgoing boss Andrew Mackenzie should feel very proud about the succession process, which shows the miner has an embarrassment of riches in its leadership team.

Mike Henry, president of Minerals Australia operations at BHP Billiton Ltd., pauses as he speaks at an event hosted by the Melbourne Mining Club in Melbourne, Australia, on Thursday, April 21, 2016. Henry said the long-term outlook for commodities remains positive and iron ore will continue to see low-cost output come to market. Photographer: Mark Dadswell/Bloomberg *** Local Caption *** Mike Henry

BHP names Mike Henry as new CEO

BHP's Australian mining boss Mike Henry has won the race to replace chief executive Andrew Mackenzie, who will retire at the end of the year.

BHP's Geraldine Slattery says bold but focused decisions are needed to realise the potential of the group's petroleum growth pipeline.

The post-shale rescue plan for BHP petroleum

Geraldine Slattery has promised an "unemotional" focus on value as the mining major chases decades more returns from oil and gas.

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