The head of Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre, Lindy Cameron, warned in a speech at the beginning of this week that ransomware attacks from criminal networks were now a bigger threat to Britain’s security than online threats from hostile states.
There have been several significant recent cyber intrusions affecting many G7 and other nations’ critical infrastructure, manufacturing and electronics firms, and hospitals. Bloomberg
According to the report, ransomware volume is running rampant and in Asia-Pacific alone, the number of attacks spiked by 455 per cent.
And the attacks continue unabated, as highlighted at the G7 summit last weekend. There have been several significant recent cyber intrusions affecting many G7 and other nations’ critical infrastructure, manufacturing and electronics firms, and hospitals.
These transnational criminal enterprises leverage infrastructure, virtual currency, and money-laundering networks, and target victims all over the globe, often operating from geographic locations that offer a permissive environment for carrying out such malicious cyber activities.
Bearing this in mind, in their final summit communiqué, G7 leaders called on “all states to urgently identify and disrupt ransomware criminal networks operating from within their borders, and hold those networks accountable for their actions”.
NAB CTO Patrick Wright is confident Australia is on the right path when it comes to addressing cyber security threats. Jesse Marlow
Assistant Minister for Defence Andrew Hastie says Australia is already getting on the front foot with cyber criminals and the Australian Signals Directorate is working very closely with law enforcement, the Australian Federal Police, and other intelligence organisations to take down cyber criminal networks.
Hastie says Australia is building a world-class offensive cyber capability that is “going after these cyber criminals online if they are offshore and keeping them off balance”.
“The ASD is punching back and we need these cyber criminals to know that we have a very capable set of people who will come after you and rip apart your cyber infrastructure and your business model.
“And we’ve already got results. The ASD, in a different setting, ripped apart Islamic State online. That was a critical operation and we’re going to do the same with cyber criminals offshore who are using ransomware to attack Australian businesses,” Hastie says.
Forming part of the nation’s offensive strategy has been the establishment of top secret joint cyber security centres in capital cities (excluding Hobart and Darwin), which are under the control of the Australian Cyber Security Centre. A collaboration between business and government, the centres are kitted out with classified surveillance systems designed to research and share threat intelligence with and from business in real time right across the country.
For Hastie, the whole point of the joint cyber security centres is “to get government and industry collaborating and understanding the threat and then working out best practices to keep our businesses safe”.
“The main priority for the government is to ensure every Australian is cyber-aware and doing basic things like uploading and patching security updates, using complex passwords or phrases, multifactor authentication as well as backing up their data.
“These are very simple things, but we need everyone doing them,” Hastie says.
NAB chief technology and operations officer Patrick Wright agrees the simple things such as updating your iPhone or your Android device, “doing the continuous security updates on your laptop computer are really important parts of what we think are good corporate hygiene and good individual hygiene”.
“Every day we discover new vulnerabilities and literally billions of lines of code that run the devices that surround us and if you haven’t updated your software, your iPhone or changed your passwords, you should be alarmed because there are people actively buying and selling user IDs and passwords on the web, every day,” Wright says.
Business and government join forces
The only representative from banking on the Home Affairs Industry Advisory Committee on Cyber Security, Wright is confident Australia is on the right path when it comes to addressing cyber security threats because business and government are working together.
Importantly, Wright understands the challenge facing the nation’s small business sector when it comes to mitigating against cyber risks because it’s another impost on already tight budgets.
“It’s one of the reasons we provide free software to our clients on our website. We think it’s important to talk to them about what we’re doing and how we can help them and what steps they should be taking on a more basic level to educate themselves because in many cases, they just don’t know the basics of how to protect themselves,” Wright says.
NAB spends more than $100 million dollars a year on running and improving cyber security and the threat grows every year.
According to the bank, it blocked 489 million cyber threats in the last quarter of 2020 alone.
“We care deeply about ensuring that our customer’s data is kept secure, and we work tirelessly to ensure that it is. We have tens of thousands of servers, tens of thousands of computer systems, hundreds of branches, both in Australia and around the world. And so it’s an incredibly complex exercise to ensure that we continue to lift the bar against an increasing threat.”
Utilising part of Bugcrowd’s army of 250,000 white-hat hackers globally, the challenge for the elite hacker army is to find vulnerabilities in NAB’s systems. As Bugcrowd founder Casey Ellis points out, they act like bad guys but with good intentions.
Ellis compares cyber threats to something akin to a householder leaving their front door open – it invites criminals in and this “predates the internet by a couple of thousand years as a thing that people can exploit”.
And as we have accelerated the growth of the digital economy, we’ve built a lot of houses with a lot of open doors.
“With the digitisation of basically everything, we’ve also seen an acceleration of things that were pre-existing like open doors in terms of increasing human error and human fallibility. It creates the opportunity for an adversary to come in and exploit that as there’s more houses and more streets.
“The overall attack surface as a result of the internet is far larger than anything we’ve ever seen before. And I think it’s accelerating quicker than we’ve really had time to keep up with in order to try and keep it safe,” Ellis says.
Skills shortage
For Ellis, Bugcrowd was created to try and keep up with the rising threats by levelling the playing field with an army of good guy hackers.
“Our people all understand how to do security things with computers. We understand the different skills they all possess and we try to connect the right people with our customers’ requirements.”
In NAB’s case, Bugcrowd found the right people to basically connect into their systems and provide the bank with the knowledge of where vulnerabilities might exist.
Ellis says this is just one of a number of things the company does with NAB but, at its simplest level, the bank has basically set up a neighbourhood watch program for the internet where Bugcrowd’s people identify potential security issues.
Having this army of hackers is something Australia needs, as Hastie concedes we don’t have enough people who are equipped to deal with the cyber security threat.
“We really need to start leaning into educating Australians about this, not just at university, but in the primary and secondary levels.
“There are going to be plenty of jobs in the future, whether it be in government or industry, for Australians to serve in a cyber role of some form,” Hastie says.
Wright says “there really can’t be a digital economy without a robust cyber security ecosystem.
“The easiest thing to do is to turn off your digital world but that’s not the future. We just need to think about security from the very get-go as we construct systems, and ensure security elements are embedded in each layer of the tech ecosystem.”
As for the future, Wright says, “he’s a glass half-full guy”.
“There a lot of great stuff happening around the world with law enforcement and government agencies.
“Our adversaries are patient, very well organised and well funded, but I’m very hopeful that the work we’re doing as Team Australia is making this an uncomfortable place for the cyber criminals to operate,” Wright concludes.