February 2020
- Opinion
- Philanthropy
Philanthropy challenges for US and Australia
Structures that work stateside aren't necessarily compatible here, where we face a number of roadblocks.
January 2020
- Opinion
- Cyber warfare
Why cyber security will be key issue in 2020s
Geopolitics and technological advances mean cyber deterrence is as important as the business cycle for financial, investment and economic decisions.
December 2019
- Opinion
- Hong Kong protests
Hong Kong affects back end of Australian wealth management
Of imminent concern is the cyber integrity of the financial infrastructure upon which almost every Australian-domiciled investor relies.
November 2019
- Opinion
- Sharemarket
Time to look at overcapacity in global motor vehicles
The next decade will bring more change in the way that people and products move than any decade since the invention of the Ford Model T.
- Opinion
- China relations
Risk management in the event of war
For globally-minded high-net-worth investors, global macroeconomic themes can unwind at glacial speeds. But when the ice wall starts to crack, those speeds can snap from glacial to breakneck.
October 2019
- Opinion
- Sharemarket
What the Fed's QE4 means for Australian investors
Developments of the past two months reinforce that we're likely to witness a classic bull rally leading into US presidential elections in November 2020.
- Opinion
- Specialist investments
Late-cycle opportunities in new cancer treatment
Chromatin biology is on the radar of those looking for the last growth spurts of the current bull cycle.
September 2019
- Opinion
- Interest rates
Why central bank manipulation must end
The traditional shift from risk on (from equities) to risk off (to bonds) no longer works as it did before financial repression came along and cheated economics.
- Opinion
- Sharemarket
Why we're set for global rally, not recession
Recessions hit when people aren’t talking about them, they’ve never struck when pundits are calling for them to begin.
August 2019
- Opinion
- Space
Space investing faces obstacle in China-Taiwan stoush
Investors focused on the potential riches of moon exploration shouldn't underestimate the ramifications of a 1967 treaty and its signatories.
- Opinion
- Currencies
New way of looking at pricing the Aussie dollar
The first step lies in understanding why currency and foreign exchange are different compared with other asset classes.
July 2019
- Opinion
- Private banking
Death knell of private banking in Australia
The battle with regulators, governments and prudential forces after the GFC has left private banks as Pyrrhic victors - technically winners but near extinction.
- Opinion
- Australian economy
Why universal basic income is a bad idea
The concept is gaining momentum in US political circles and is on the agenda in Australia, but there will be a high economic price to pay.
June 2019
- Opinion
- Bonds
How the inverted yield curve affects Australia
Japan, our second-largest trading partner, is pulling out of our government bonds – with huge implications for the economy.
- Updated
- Opinion
- Investing
The ups and downs of investing in plastic
Global investors acknowledge that one of the biggest winners from the US petrochemical resurgence has been ethylene-derived plastics and specialty chemicals.