September 2024
- Opinion
- Monetary policy
The RBA isn’t hammering anything – it’s kept stability for decades
We should be out celebrating. Even as inflation blew past 7 per cent, the RBA’s targeting model has kept the spiral of inflationary expectations in check.
January 2024
- Opinion
- Tax cuts
The case for stage three tax cuts is fading
The cost of the stage three cuts makes it even more important to reform the rest of the tax system that will be bearing the burden.
July 2023
- Opinion
Guy Debelle is standout candidate to be next RBA governor
The treasurer should appoint arguably the finest policy economist of his generation – someone with central banking skills without peer.
May 2023
- Opinion
No, Big Mac, the RBA has not outperformed its peers
Contrary to what the former governor Ian Macfarlane reckons, there is ample evidence of flawed central bank monetary policy decision-making in the early 1990s and 2010s.
May 2022
- Opinion
- Australian economy
Morrison’s jobs pledge will demand groundbreaking reforms
Creating an extra half a million jobs above budget forecasts requires all the policy reforms that both parties balk at.
March 2021
- Opinion
- JobKeeper
Time to end the sex discrimination in JobMaker
JobMaker should be simplified, and the age targeting dropped. JobMaker discriminates most against women over 35. Eliminating the age and sex discrimination in the subsidy could generate 100,000 jobs.