
Nathan Sheets

June 2021

Japan’s experience points to a very different set of outcomes.

Where surging debt levels will lead developed economies

Will these bring increased interest rates? Or is Japan’s experience, which saw rising indebtedness accompanied by falling yields, the more likely outcome?

May 2021

Why there’s no need to get into an inflation panic

Over time, the economic environment is likely to resemble pre-coronavirus conditions with inflation near 2 per cent, rather than persistently elevated demand.

April 2021

Despite only slim majorities in Congress, Joe Biden has pursued the most sweeping expenditure program in decades.

Cohesion among Capitol Hill Democrats key for Biden

What happens now will have pivotal implications for the success of the next phases of the new administration’s ambitious agenda.

March 2021

Tings have changed: Joe Biden with Xi Jinping during the latter’s US visit in 2012, when both of them were were vice-presidents.

Biden’s foreign policy still a work in progress

The US’s rocky summit in Alaska with China grabbed the headlines but the emerging challenges seem more deep-rooted.

US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell. The increase in long-term rates creates a quandary for central banks.

The great reflation trade in global bond markets

How should central banks respond to the surge in rates and are there any circuit-breakers that could stall – or reverse – the recent rate rise?


January 2021

Janet Yellen’s ‘market-determined’ dollar

The new US Treasury Secretary is implicitly endorsing disciplined economic policies, as well as signalling the US will respect global norms in managing its currency.

November 2020

A declining Australian property market has taken the wind out of the economy's sails.

Powerful bounce in sight for global economy

A vaccine should allow GDP in the US to exceed pre-pandemic readings by the end of next year but Australian growth won't be quite as strong, says Nathan Sheets at PGIM.

November 2020

The pandemic has changed the way we work, socialise, educate our children, and do business.

Is the pandemic making us more productive?

To reap the full benefits of newly-found virtual tools, it's vital to find ways to establish boundaries between work and other parts of our lives.

October 2020

An alternative path forward, which Joe Biden seems likely to pursue, is multilateral in nature.

US-China tension raises the stakes for Australia

Countries able to successfully intermediate between the two superpowers may find it to their enduring advantage.

September 2020

A Joe Biden administration would look to tighten regulation to protect the environment, consumers, workers and investors.

What US election result will mean to global economic policies

Trump has been careful not to push the economy or markets beyond breaking point. But would he be as careful when no longer contemplating re-election?

August 2020

Ageing global demographics are also restraining inflation.

Why inflation will stay lower as global economies recover

Although the coronavirus has weakened demand, ageing demographics and technological advances are likely to exert downward pressure over the longer term.

July 2020

Markets look to light at the end of the tunnel

Equity markets closed a turbulent second quarter with record gains but is that light at the end of the tunnel actually an oncoming freight train, asks PGIM's Nathan Sheets.

June 2020

The problems impeding globalisation have been amplified by the trade war and the onslaught of the coronavirus.

How companies are set to reinvent globalisation

As economic activity rebounds, companies are likely to diversify the global dimensions of their production to avoid too much dependence on any single country.

May 2020

The psychology of reopening – how soon people feel comfortable going to work and resuming activities – will be a key factor determining the performance of the global economy.

Looking into the eye of the COVID-19 investing storm

With a recovery in the second half pencilled in, the key question is how quickly and strongly it takes hold.

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