
Glenn Fahey

February 2024

The attendance problem is slipping through the cracks as demand for more resources dominates the education debate.

Don’t blame the COVID pandemic for truant kids

Social trends, parents and governments are all at fault for rising rates of student absenteeism that threaten to become permanent.

December 2023

The factor that has the greatest impact on student outcomes is the quality of teaching they receive.

What Australia must do to lift flatlining student scores

This country may have averted the worst of the COVID-era education destruction, but that doesn’t mitigate the many flaws in our school system.

September 2023

Poor behaviour in Australian schools is detrimental to a positive learning environment.

How to turn around Australian kids’ appalling classroom behaviour

Australia’s education system has consistently been marked down when it comes to the behaviour of students and the capacity of teachers to manage classrooms.

July 2023

Education Minister Jason Clare has stressed a key objective of the Universities Accord will be re-tilting admissions and funding policies in favour of disadvantaged students.

Uni shake-up mustn’t reheat the Gonski fallacy

Rather than fixating on the supposed lack of input, higher education funding reform should focus on lifting outcomes and improving incentives.

May 2023

Education Minister Jason Clare knows what to do – he just as to do it.

Vested interests thwart school reform

The Albanese government has correctly identified the things that need to change in our classrooms. The test will be facing down unions, academics and state bureaucrats.


March 2023

Education Minister Jason Clare has a rare opportunity to introduce reforms that could transform teaching in Australia.

Finally, a game changer for improving teaching in Australia

A new review into teacher training could be a game changer in better preparing new teachers and improving classroom teaching.

February 2023

NAPLAN is in danger if making bare minimum results into something passable.

NAPLAN sets bar too low to spot students at risk of failing

The new minimum test benchmarks make it even less likely that parents and teachers can help serious underachievers in time.

January 2023

Teachers need more help on how to teach as well as how to teach.

Why Australian schools are failing

The education system seems unable to turn new reform and funding inputs into better outcomes for school students. Where does it fall down?

October 2022

Literacy gaps in secondary school translate to poorer school leaving results and post-school attainment.

It’s the gender literacy gap that warrants the greatest attention

The 2022 NAPLAN results continue to reveal the educational social justice issue that nobody speaks about: boys in Australian schools are at a decisive educational disadvantage.

September 2022

When students are engaged then truancy is not a problem.

Truancy is a scandal, but don’t blame the kids

Poor teaching, not poor homes, is the cause of truancy. But that should also make the problem easier to fix directly in Australia’s classrooms.

July 2022

Striking teachers say they are underpaid and overworked but that’s not the full story.

There is no great resignation of teachers

Teaching is an attractive profession that many want to enter. The problem is there are too many barriers in the way.

December 2021

There should be no future for poorer teachers.

High marks for classroom mediocrity

The teachers’ union is happy with a salary system that pays the talented and the time-serving just the same. Students, parents and taxpayers are the losers.

November 2021

Paring down the draft curriculum gives a sharper idea of what students are expected to know.

Education establishment fails the curriculum reform test

Bureaucrats and academics stubbornly hang on to education practices and pet ideas that have no basis in evidence.

September 2021

Some of the students of year 2 maths class at West Carlingford Public School, one of the top achieving schools in NAPLAN.

Pandemic is yet to teach us its true lessons

The apparent NAPLAN success must be greeted with caution, as the weight of pandemic’s impact on education is yet to be seen.

June 2021

Rigid workforce management has blunted responsiveness of supply to meet demand.

Treat teaching as a supply-side problem

It’s not burnout or the pay that’s to blame for shortages in the quantity and quality of teachers. It’s the lack of a flexible pathway for high achievers with expert knowledge to enter the profession mid-career.


May 2021

By and large, it’s not the children who are stressed and anxious about NAPLAN, but the adults around them.

Quitting NAPLAN would be a fail for Australian education

Opponents of standardised national testing ignore the international evidence that greater transparency improves the performance of school systems.

April 2021

States spoil Australia’s school scorecard

The federal government wants better PISA outcomes. That means getting distracted states on board.

December 2020

A modest increase in class sizes would free up money to reward better teachers.

It's not giving a Gonski but better teachers that improve schools

More money has achieved declining student results. It's time to lift Australia's educational performance by targeting teaching quality instead.

September 2020

The status of teaching is held back by a flat wage structure that does not reward the best performers.

Paying best teachers to perform will help lift education outcomes

The declining status and quality of teachers isn't due to under-funding of schools as unions claim. The problem is the lack of performance pay, which has made teaching an unattractive profession.

December 2019

Our international peers have improved their performance, while we’ve gone backwards.

Truly clever country shouldn't get short-changed on schooling

The declining performance of Australian students in math and science proves that sinking more money into education doesn't improve results.

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